Am I crazy?

I can't be the only mom who feels like I would have to be bat crazy to ever want to get pregnant again, right? My first pregnancy was such a very painful and unpleasant experience all the way around. Then, postpartum was even worse and even more painful 😵‍💫😵. I used to want 6 kids, but now I'm like one is ENOUGH. Am I the only one who feels like the idea of getting pregnant again is terrifying? 🥺
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No, you’re not alone! I remember my pregnancy being a lot of sickness, but overall fine. And I remember right after she came I said I want one more. But this first year has shown me soooooo many things that I never would have realized or had the nerve to face before. Now, I don’t think I could ever do it again.

All you hear before you get pregnant is “enjoy it” “it’s the best thing ever” “it feels amazing” so you have this expectation that when you are pregnant it will be pleasant and you’ll be rolling round in the daisys giggling every day and feel amazing. Wrong. I wish people were honest and said pregnancy is tough and it’s actually not meant to be a great experience since your growing a human and giving that human every vitamin and mineral you have. I felt terrible during pregnancy, I felt so poorly and ached all over and was so tired and so many people kept saying “be positive, being pregnant is an amazing thing” which made me feel worse. So I’m determined to raise my children by telling them pregnancy is hard and tough and you give the growing baby all you have but it will be worth it when you’ve recovered. So lo my story short your not alone and if I do get pregnant again if anyone tells me to stop moaning and enjoy it I’ll tell them where to stick it 😂

Not alone girl! I was miserable when I was pregnant. I’d cry in the bathroom most nights. I was in so much pain.

I feel you. Pregnancy was not my thing. It was just constant management of unpleasant symptoms for me! I gained a ton of weight and had a hard time accepting my pregnancy body. I also think I slept worse pregnant than I did with a newborn 😅

@Jen Omg! I completely agree. I was like it was all a lie! I know the experience is different for each mom but when I was having horrible pain and being told :ph yeah, that's just part of pregnancy sometimes, but once your baby is here the pain will be gone". I was like, if this is normal, then why is pregnancy always made out to seem like roses and sunshine after morning sickness passes. I didn't even have morning sickness, but got the luxury of hobbling around in the UGLIEST way from 3months pregnant up until 9 months POSTPARTUM thanks to sciatic pain. ALL of my suffering was described and explained away by midwives as NORMAL AND EXPECTED. I felt so deceived. "Once you see your baby after birth, you'll forget all of the pain and discomfort. " .....umm, I adore my baby, AND I still remember all of the torture very clearly honey!

@Steph aww, oh no. But I understand, it was just hard all the way around

@Stephanie Now that's funny that you could sleep better after baby was born. That's actually nice. I'm the same about my post pregnancy body, nothing in my closet fit. Now that he's 13 months old I can fit into SOME of what I used to wear.

Being pregnant sucks and the labor part sucks even more… then there’s the never ending cycle of diapers, feeding and sleepless nights. I have two kids, I love them to death and I would probably have another one if I had money for it. But you are not crazy, I am the crazy one lol

I feel the same exact way! My pregnancy sucked plus I almost died during labor so it makes me not want to go for another !

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