Hitting & biting

I’m at a loss of what to do. My lo is 18m and has started entering the phase of throwing big,big tantrums. To express her anger she’ll start hitting, sometimes in the face and when I say no she laughs and keeps smacking? Yesterday I broke down crying because I just felt so defeated. Biting started two days ago also. Any tips would be appreciated on how to curve this behavior as she is also doing it to her brother and sister whom are not biologically mine ( 5 & 6 yr old) & I can tell they are looking at me crazy because she’s acting like this. I tried to explain she’s still little right now and we have to teach her but they don’t understand & make sure to tell their mom when she calls that “the baby is biting and hitting them” 😞😞😞
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Can you send me a message? I might have something for you but it’s in pdf form. I’ve just started in and was having the same issues with my toddler and it seems to be helping

I was in the same boat, our pediatrician recommended hugging him and saying "we don't hit we say IM MAD IM BIG MAD" and now he tries saying it

I haven’t dealt with hitting yet, but the biting was real bad for a while. Every time he’d come snuggle into my shoulder, he would take a bite. I ended up with some pretty bad bruises and it got to a point that I’d cringe every time he wanted to cuddle. I started redirecting him to something he could bite and worked really hard to not have a big reaction. He’d bite. I’d pull back and say something like “oh you need to bite?” And then I’d give him a toy he could bite. He’s gone from biting on the daily to only once or twice a month at most and usually only when he’s experiencing really big emotions. I make sure I comfort him but hold the boundary by still offering him an acceptable biting toy and not my shoulder.

Same here:( sometimes ı really don’t know what to do… she is throwing everythng and when we go out to playground she wants to get other toddler’s toy and don’t wanna give it back. And trying to pull their hair and hit… ı am really so tired of this. I know she is still little and don’t know how to shor her feelings out.

Biting - my LO, also 18mo has been biting here and there over the last 3 months and same thing, she thinks it’s funny or just doesn’t listen. I saw something where the parent says calmly "do you need something to bite" and then give them a good toy to chew on. so I've been doing that and it at least stops her from biting me in that instance.

Honestly people might disagree with me on this but i pop my son he is 18 months and hits and bites. he gave me a black eye hitting me with my phone cause he was mad i told him no so i popped him on his butt. When he bites me i bite him back. A lot of people hate on me saying i shouldn't and that it's child abuse and this and that and the third but i believe in spanking but not for no reason or out of anger. My son is very tender hearted so normally when i pop him or get on to him he cries for a minute and throws a fit and i let him then he'll calm down and come to me and give me a hug and kiss and i explain that hitting is not nice and you can't hit mommy. He has stopped biting me and has almost stopped hitting me. I believe in gentle parenting as well but i also believe that to gentle parenting you need to set boundaries first. I don't pop him hard it's more pushing then actual hitting just enough to hurt his feelings and tell him no he can't hit. I also rarely ever pop him.

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