@Lauren thank you so much for sharing. Need all the positive stories I can get. Congratulations on baby girl 💕💕💕
Thank you!! 🩷🩷
LLetz 2020. Cervix 23mm throughout. 200mg per night rectumly. Waters broke at 36 weeks. Didn’t even dilate so had to be induced at 37 😂 didn’t even dilate after worrying for months haha. X
@Laura omg this is amazing news! When did you start the pessary? And how come it was rectum?! This js what I’m praying for. Congratulations on baby xxxxx
@Lauren congrats on your baba girl! I’m going through a similar situation at the moment, so this post is very reassuring for me. May I ask how much progesterone you were on? I’m currently on the maximum of 800mg and have a follow up on Wednesday.
Thanks for posting this! I’ve been worried and terrified by some stories I’ve heard so far
@Sonya Thank you!! I was on 400mg twice daily up until 37 weeks - that and a lot of resting. Hope you are doing ok. x
@Lauren thank you letting me know how much progesterone you were. This is very very reassuring. Hoping it helps me as much as it did with you. Feeling positive x
@Lauren was this cyclogest? And one morning and night?
Yes Cyclogest, one 400mg in the morning and one 400mg in the evening xx
I do 100mg in the am and 100mg at night. Some mood swings here and there, lower sex drive and lots of acid reflux. I do lay down for 30 mins. And do minimal activity throughout the day. Your doctor can put you on disability mat leave which is different than maternity leave. So that you can rest as much as possible during this. I asked and they said sure no problem. Don't lift anything heavy, including groceries. 1 to 3 pds max. And don't lift your arms above your head/reach for things. I'm still allowed to have sex. After laying down for 30 min in the am. I sometimes fall back asleep because it can make you sleepy. Then I get up and wash that stuff out of me. Yes you will get cramps down there, it's normal your cervix is trying to close, Including the lighting strikes. Last scans, yesterday at 31 weeks looked great!
I had a 24mm cervix at 22 weeks which then went to 7mm at 24 weeks…too late for a stitch so they prescribed me progesterone and told me to rest up…no exercise or heavy lifting etc, and I delivered my baby girl full term at 38 weeks. I was really freaked out when I found out how short it had got so early on in the pregnancy but the progesterone really helped and everything worked out just fine. Just make sure you take things as easy as possible, and work from home if you can! My midwife wrote a letter to my employer saying I needed to work from home for the rest of the pregnancy. Try not to worry to much…although I know that’s far easier said than done ♥️ xx