How many times a day does your baby feed?

How many times a day does your little one feed? Breastfed babies plz Mines 10 weeks and I just wanna get an idea of if she’s feeding enough! She’s gaining fine but doesn’t seem to actually feed that often! Maybe 6/7 times?
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Mines 8 weeks and he feeds about 7 times in 24 hours x

My little girl is 2 months old and drinks 9/10 times a day depending on hungryness in 24 hours x

My little boy has roughly 8/9 in 24 hours x

My LG is 7 weeks and feeds 7/8 times in 24 hours x

7 +2 and it can be anything from 8-12 times just depends how long she feeds for/how long she sleeps for. She is exclusively breast fed atm

Mine really depends day by day, but our midwife said 8-12 feeds per day is good 😊 But I would say, it totally depends on how ‘efficient’ your baby feeds, and also if they have good poos and wees!

My baby is almost 8 weeks and feeds 6 bottles a day generally. 4-5oz at a time. & Sleeping well xx

10-12 per 24hr if you clump together cluster feeds/restarts after a poo etc. He's breast and (within reason!) demand fed. 10 weeks tomorrow. Agree with Pippa, it seems there's no right or wrong assuming bub's healthy and you're coping OK too :)

6/7 times 9 weeks old x

7 times /24h - 11W

I think 12-14 times in 24 hours for us!! Possibly more…

5/6 times a day but he’s on 7oz bottles. 9 week old baby boy :)

Usually 6 times for us - we combi feed, she usually has 4/5 bottles of expressed and 1/2 bottles of formula ☺️

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