Bipolar and PPD/A

Does anyone have bipolar disorder? How was your experience with PPD/A? How did you realize it was something more than a bad time with your bipolar?? I’m struggling and I don’t think my dr is taking into account that I am still only a year PP. he’s mostly focused on the fact we were able to stay on the same meds for 2.5 years, 10 months of which I was pregnant and I was the best I’ve ever been! I just feel so lost and I miss how happy I was when I was pregnant. I want to be that again for my son, he deserves that person to be his mom. Not this sad, zombie I’ve become 😔 any advice on how to turn things around or address this with my dr?
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I have bipolar and it started acting up again when I was about a year pp... I went to my doctor in tears begging for help because it was getting so bad... she finally listened but it took a while... I hope you get the help asap mama! Hang in there ❤️

My PPD didn't really kick in until around four months postpartum. We were struggling with latching and I had to switch to exclusively pumping. I had to be upfront and honest with my doctor; I told her that if something didn't change I was scared of the consequences, and that got her to listen finally. I was absolutely miserable 😣 so anxious, depressed because it felt like everything was falling apart around me, plus we were trying to find our forever home in the crazy economy of 2022! Not to mention exclusively pumping brought on all of my sensory issues because I have elastic nipples 😭 I was falling apart it felt like. It DID get better, but took awhile. The first thing I started was making sure I was keeping my bi-weekly therapy appointments, and trying at least once a week to find an hour of my day to take time for myself. Whether that be a hot bath, reading a book, doing a face mask and other skincare stuff, or just getting out of the house and getting a coffee! It did help paired with therapy

I'm bipolar manic depressant. I had twins 2 years ago and now have a 3-month-old never had postpartum depression but I'm pretty sure I do now maybe from having baby so close together I'm not sure. My bipolars give me highs and lows but not these types of Lowe's that I'm getting. I cry all the time about every little thing. When my husband's off work on the weekends I spend the entire weekend in my room. I don't do anything fun with the baby at all. Or just hold her and love her and look at her like I did with my twins. You see my psychiatrist Monday to discuss this.

I have bipolar 1 and I had really bad PPA. My anxiety has gotten worse since having my daughter but since I’m now 3 years PP it’s classified as generalized anxiety disorder and it’s probably never going to go away (a LOT of mamas have it because having children changes the chemical makeup of your brain) I got on buspirone and it is sooo much better!

I’m diagnosed with bipolar 2. I was on meds for 10 years (on and off due to losing insurance) then went off them completely for my pregnancy. Surprisingly, I was the most stable I ever was during those 9 months. Right after my daughter was born, I crashed immediately. The no sleep for the first 2 months made it worse. I wanted to breastfeed so my psych put me on diff meds but it didn’t work out so I went back to my old meds. Is this doctor a psychiatrist or pcp? If just a pcp, I suggest looking for a psych. Or maybe try diff meds. I found the only antidepressant that worked for me was Wellbutrin XL and mood stabilizer Lamictal. I’ve been on this combo for about 9 years now.

@Chantelle he’s just a GP, I think I definitely need to look into a psych. We upped the current meds I’m on to see if it helps at all. The pill game is so stressful!

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