Back to work

Did you go back full time? When did you go back? How did you manage pumping if EBF? How was putting your baby in nursery? Mine will be 7 months. I don’t want to go back but I don’t see a choice. I’m so sad about it
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I’ll be going back full time (I don’t have the option for part time in my job role) when baby is just over a year and I feel very very lucky I’m able to have that time. I breastfeed and baby won’t take a bottle or milk from anything but the boob 😭 so that was heavily factored into my decision x

I'm going to have to back part time on some kind of flexi hours and it's stressing me out already, I've not even started my maternity leave! I don't want to go back either but it's just me and baby, so I'm going to have to. I hope you manage to get something figured out x

How are you guys managing childcare costs?

I went back. After maternity leave was over. We had a lactation room for pumping so I would go when I needed to pump (my co-workers and supervisor were understanding). Daycare was smooth for my baby, but I did have anxiety about stuff for like the first 3 months and I would rushed each day after work to my baby! Him being content was what got me through and calmed my anxiety. But I still hate taking my kids to daycare since I cannot see them, but I recently found a center that allow parents access to the cameras so I can see my children at any time while they are away which I know will calm my anxiety!

Part time 16 hours work

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