birthing partner

has anybody had their dad as their birthing partner before ? my mum passed away in 2017 and my dad is the only one that has supported me and the only one that has really been there throughout my pregnancy and some people think that it’s weird i want him there to help me through labour 😔
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my friend had her dad with her! it’s not weird at all🥰

I don’t see any reason why it would be classed as weird, your dad is just as much of a parent as your mother is! If that’s what makes you feel the most comfortable in labour then go for it, screw what anyone else thinks!

My mum and dad will both be my birthing partners - not weird in the slightest it will be a wonderful experience for you both! 🫶🏼

Not weird at all! As long as he makes you feel safe and comfortable that’s what you need!

Not that I’m having either of my parents but if I did have to I would have my dad over my mum

It isn’t weird unless you think it is weird. I would have my dad during labor, but not during delivery. But that’s just me! 🤣

I think that is wonderful 🩷 what an amazing dad

If your dad is comfortable with it and so are you then I see no issue. Only an issue if one of you feels even the slightest bit uncomfortable. He is your parent also, nothing weird about it

Not weird I think it’s really lovely to have him there. If my dad was alive I would have had him alternating in and out with my mum or partner. I had a framed picture of him there with me instead x

No not weird. You do what works for you, my sister had my mum and my uncle as her birthing partners (he’s practically been our dad) and I think it’ll be a lovely way for you to bond more over the baby xx

My grandad was there at my birth (my dad was out of the picture so my mum asked her dad) and we have a very lovely bond because of it:) x

There is nothing weird about your dad supporting you at one of your more vulnerable times. I think it’s lovely that you have such a strong relationship with your dad that you would want him there with you. It’s no one else’s business.

I didn’t have my dad as my birthing partner but while I laboured at home he was with me the whole time and it was a lovely experience!

My dad was my back up! He really wanted to be there and I would’ve loved him there but it was a bit unplanned how everything happened. Not weird at all. I’d likely have him at my second if I can

I think that's so nice 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️

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My dad was in the delivery room with me and it really helped me a lot. Obviously he didn’t watch my son he born but he stood at my head facing me while holding my hand the whole time. Don’t let anyone tell you it’s weird, it’s your choice and having your father present can be a beautiful thing.

Aww i think that's really sweet!!! Go for it xx

That's so sweet that your dad has been so supportive of you! That's such a special bond, and if it would make you feel more safe and comfortable to have him there for labor, I'm sure he'd love to! Not weird at all if he's been your support all through pregnancy!

My dad (he’s my stepdad actually but raised me since I’m young) is the one who’s gonna be there too as my mom lives abroad and I’m happy and excited that we will be able to share this experience as he was and still is a huge support during my pregnancy and I don’t think it’s weird at all 🤍

I think your dad sounds kike an amamzing dad esp bec youre comfortable and want him there for you. My dad wouldnt come in the room however he cried when he knew i was in labour, knowing the pain id be in, our dads are heros and i love my dad for being so amazing x

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