2 years Pp working out

Anyone else feel rubbish after having a takeaway off plan.. I know I’m going to weigh heavier tomorrow and it makes me feel like crap 🤦🏼‍♀️ anyone else have these days.
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I totally relate, I felt bad yesterday are just having some crisps that I shouldn’t have had…. Try changing your weigh day to mid week though, it gives a few days after any weekend binges to get back on track, my day is a Wednesday

@Mummy R yeah it’s so hard to not feel dreadful… thing is my PT has said to weigh daily despite knowing it’ll take a few days for it to get out of system. I just refusing to weigh today ahahah xxx

I’ve never ever heard of a pt that recommends daily weigh ins, that’s ridiculous in my opinion…. What about when you’re on your period or even just due for it, weight fluctuates at them times and you will never get a true reading

@Mummy R he has said to know your body better you’ll should see a pattern such as when you coming on period etc. cause your weight will fluctuate. It makes sense to me but I just get so annoyed at myself after letting myself go on a weekend I sorta dread eating unhealthily so really affects me xx

I guess I do see the logic, as long as you don’t start developing an eating disorder if your weight goes up by a lb one day. I’ve just looked it up and there is a lot of good things about doing it daily 🤷🏼‍♀️

Any extra weight you gain the day after having a takeaway will most likely be additional water from the salt and grease. The best thing to do is get straight back to healthy choices the day after, and maybe drink a little extra water to flush out the salt and get in a little bit more activity, maybe go for an after dinner walk. You’ll see it drop back off again within a few days. Try not to punish yourself for it. We all deserve a treat. Draw a line and carry on.

If you feel bad physically, go for something lighter/less rich. If you mean mentally/emotionally… balance is so important. You want healthy eating to be a lifestyle so you have to incorporate treats, meals out, puddings, ice cream, takeaway! I try and look at it like if once a week I ate a healthy dinner and the rest of the time I ate takeaway, the healthy meal would be pretty meaningless to my health or weight. It’s the same the other way around - if you eat 20 healthy, balanced, calorie controlled meals a week, one cheat / treat doesn’t ruin it!

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