
I ended up popping 2 weeks early on the 17th, but I already feel like a failure and that I'm not gonna do this right... any other early poppers or other moms have any tips? My man and family are doing everything they can but I'm still having a really hard time.
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It's normal to feel that way at the beginning. Accept all the help. Eventually, you are going to feel more comfortable in your mom role.

I know it’s not easy but take each day one step at a time. Try communicating with your doctor and your support because postpartum occurs really frequently. Your gonna get through this mama🫂🩷

I cried for like two weeks straight with my first! Then all of a sudden woke up and felt fine and much better. Not saying that everyone feels better after 2 weeks but just try to remember you just had the biggest drop in hormones ever, and you and your body are recovering still! You're the best thing for your baby right now. We all learn/start somewhere :)

It's okay, you're doing the best you can, and that alone is amazing. Your routine with baby is going to take some time to get used to. I've said several times to my kids when they were newborns, "It's okay, little one, we don't understand each other just yet, but I'm trying. Let's work together, okay?" It makes me feel a bit better about myself. If you are up for it, write down what type of support you think you need, and every day, revise it. Show it to your spouse and family. Don't bring yourself down by saying you're a failure. You're not. Once you find your groove with your LO, everything else will fall into place.

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