When to start running after giving birth?

Hey all :) When do you all start running or HIIT those high impact sports after labour?
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No earlier than 12 weeks for running

Its your preference and how your recovering. Listen to your body, if you’re ready then go for it! I went back to playing football 4 weeks after my first baby, and 3 weeks after my 2nd baby. Pulled my groin a few times after going back after 2nd baby, due to weak ligaments and muscle in that area. But 3 months post birth and back to my full fitness on pitch. Now 7 months post birth with no problems x

@Aimee but that’s after c section, right?

I just waited til my 6 week appointment x

@Kasia no that's standard for any high impact postpartum You can get back to other stuff earlier but you really risk doing damage to your pelvic floor if you run sooner than 12 weeks https://blogs.bmj.com/bjsm/2019/05/20/ready-steadygo-ensuring-postnatal-women-are-run-ready/ https://www.runnersworld.com/uk/health/a41556163/running-postpartum/ https://www.womensrunning.co.uk/health/how-to-get-back-to-running-after-pregnancy/

I've had 2 children, both vaginal births. I've started pelvic floor exercises immediately after birth, and then gentle exercise like yoga and Pilates and walking once home from hospital. I get back to weight lifting after 6 weeks. But with running, 12 weeks and start slowly doing couch to 5k, despite running throughout pregnancy. I didn't want to risk a prolapse or damage any ligaments. I have friends who've had prolapses and they had to take even longer off exercise to heal properly

I went out running 7 weeks post c section and it was a huge mistake 🙈 my back hurt, my legs were weak and my core muscles were shot. I went back to basics to regain strength and to heal post partum. For 6 weeks I did specific pp exercises to help my core and back and then moved onto beginner HIIT to help get strong again and after a month of HIIT I went back running again and it felt so much better and I was stronger plus a lot lighter too. I’ve struggled to get out running because of child care but baby is just about 6 months and I’ve a got a running buggy to get back to it but I am continuing with hiit at home for core strength, leg strength and conditioning xx

I went back running after 5-6 weeks but I trained up until the day before I gave birth and was back doing light exercise 12 days pp. But that’s me and I was willing to take the risk and listened to my body. I can’t advise on other people and how they might be feeling. I’d just say listen do your body x

I was advised to wait 12 weeks to run, on the day I turned 12 weeks I went on a run haha

@Aimee I always forgot pelvic floor exercises, it's the last thing I remember among a massive to-do list 😅 I started Pilates and yoga again, but I'm hesitated about running and high impacts sport, I just wanna be mindful for my pelvic health and abdominal muscle. 3 months is a good waiting period, I might also wait until I don't have pelvic floor issue or abdominal gap.

@Gabi Good for you!! It's encouraging to see other mums back to sport, I wish the same for myself soon x

@Laura I love HIIT exercises too, I am just scared it would be too demanding for my pp and abdominal after birth. Good that it helps you to regain strength for running again x I went for a run maybe 2 months postpartum, but I didn't do it again since my pp is still weak and I've abdominal separation. So I wanna wait for a bit longer just to be safe.

@Sam Wow, that's very early! I ran until 2nd trimester then I stopped because I felt it was heavy on my pp. Did. You have any pp issue or abdominal separation? I felt okay while I was running for the 1st time postpartum, but then my pp is still weak, so I didn't go for runs again after prolonged considerations.

@Lydia I didn’t start HiiT (beginners level) until 3.5 months pp, I did gentle pp/post c section exercises before that. Ive finally managed to get out running properly with the running buggy this week at almost 6 months pp and I finally feel good again running ☺️ xx

@Lydia it was which is why I definitely can’t comment on what other people should do, because I took a risk doing in (I did have a small break between 6-8weeks pp due to having my appendix out) but otherwise was back playing full contact rugby at 16weeks pp 😅 I didn’t have abdominal separation which I was very lucky about, and my pelvis floor has always been weak so it honestly hasn’t made a huge amount of difference for me 😅 accidentally weeing myself is fairly standard 🤣 I’d just say lots of pelvis floor exercises and build up your running again very slowly. 1k one week then 2k another week, I found I was more out of breath pp than anything else.

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