My 2 year old kicks me while I change his diaper

I have almost given up on trying to change his diaper. Is this a normal phase? I’m about to just start potty training whether he likes it or not because I can’t take it anymore 🥲Do pull ups make it easier? I don’t understand the purpose to be honest I don’t get the difference between the two or if it will make the situation easier.
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I switched to pull-ups around 18 months, it really helped, because we can change diaper standing up. We have a specific spot in the house where we change, and I always ask for permission to change him. It really helps when they get some control over the situation too, involve them as much as possible! They can choose a diaper (if different designs) or perhaps, choose their clothes etc. I also recognize that sometimes we have to run out of the house and there is not time for asking/waiting. I do have moments where I just tell him “I’m going to change your diaper now” and I just go for it, sometimes there is resistance, sometimes there isn’t 🤷🏼‍♀️ I hope it helps! They go through their independence establishing phase, and it’s hard!

@Polina okay definitely going to make the switch I think that will help! It is easy to get swept up in the time it takes to do things so I have to slow down and realize it’s not like a huge deal if it’s right now or in 5 minutes when he’s ready. Thank you for your advice!!

Seems like you are describing my child, every diaper change is a fight 💪🏼

I been using pull ups the whole time

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