Driving Dislikes

Heeey, random one on this Sunday afternoon. When it comes to driving, what's ONE think you HATE or that gives you anxiety? Mine is going up HILLS. Oh my gosh.. When it comes to driving up hills, it makes me anxious as fuuuuuck. Like, I'll literally avoid it & take a longer route if possible. I'm just so scared of stopping & having to drive again & possibly rolling back into the car behind me & I know I can use the handbrake but if I'm not quick enough, that's easily an accident waiting to happen🫣🤭ugh, even thinking about it makes me anxious. Another is driving in narrow areas - hate. it! 🤣 Share yours! 😆
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The bypass. Any fast lanes. Just driving fast not my thing. I take the long route through town. I just always thing I will miss my exit or a bird will fly really close and scare and I would jump or my daughter would have a meltdown at the back and distract me.

The bypass for me .... just the thought of it gives me anxiety...😪

@Villy ugh, the fast line does scare me too tbh😩😩

@Sarah ✨ oh gosh.. Sorry that happened to you, thank goodness you were okay... I would be terrified to go back behind the wheel. I had a small crash in 2022 & I didn't wana drive for a while 🫣

@Jyothi girl, I hear you on that one🫣🥹

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