Velcro baby’s

It’s so hard to get anything done😭😭😭 How you mamas doing it?
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I literally have to wear my baby. And for the shower I put him in his baby tub in the shower with me. Sometimes he likes when I put him in his bouncer in the room with me where he can still see/hear me

I’m not 😐

I get things done in between when she sleeps. Or when I wear her.

Newborns can be Velcro babies? I thought you can’t spoil them:.🤔😐 My baby does cry a lot but it’s because she always needs something. I also can’t do anything. She either too hot, too cold, hungry, needs diaper change, she uncomfortable, she stinky, she’s itchy, the milk goes in between her rolls and starts smelling and itching. So I’ve had to watch her neck more often and clean her more often. They just need love and comfort. They still learning the world and yes they don’t know they are their own person until 6months I think I remember.. I could be wrong about that tiny detail but something like that.

I don’t have a tip as the only tip would be make sure you have met all their needs then they relax until it’s time again. But make sure they are comfortable. They relax. Bathe baby.. give them a relaxing bath.. Sometimes the last option if I can’t find one is a nice calm bath. I use chamomile baby shampoo

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