Potty training

I see this on here a lot but I’ve tried the no diaper thing with my daughter for potty training and constantly asking “do you need to potty?” Etc and she will just pee where she stands when I’m least expecting it 🥲 should I revisit later? She turned two in March. I’m in no rush but I know it won’t happen over night & I’m due with our second in May so some potty usage would be nice 😅
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Read Oh Crap Potty Training! My son did this at first as well. We just kept working at it. We potty trained in February a month before he turned 2!

On day 6 of potty training here. It gets better! She mostly goes in the potty but still some accidents. I have her trying to go every hr and using rewards (candy, stickers, stamps) when she goes in the potty

My pediatrician recommended Oh crap ! Potty training This past week…

This is what has worked for me previously with my boys. (I’ll be starting in a month or so with my 2yr old) we also go straight to undies as well, no pull-ups during the day. I don’t ask. For the first 2 to 4 days we don’t go anywhere and focus. I have a potty in the room we are in, or outside. I pit them on the potty every 20 minute and let them know that’s where we go. When we get even a tinkle we go crazy happy and do a potty dance. I have a feeling with my 2yr old I’ll be rewarding with an M&M. Keep up the positive reinforcement. I also made sure to have LOTS of underwear so I wasn’t washing constantly! Good luck!!

I tried potty training my twins in January and they were not catching on and just peeing wherever they were standing as well. I stopped the same day I started and decided to wait… I tried again 2 weeks ago and they caught on so fast, I’d say they were 98% potty trained by day 5 and that other 2% was just bc one twin was still waking up with a wet pull-up overnight. I think it might be worth it to revisit in a couple months to see if it’s a smoother process then.

I tried with my son a couple months ago and it was like every 5 minutes he was already peeing on himself we went through a dozen pairs of underwear by lunch time. I quit that afternoon figuring his bladder just wasn't ready but now idk when to try again. We have a baby due in June so we were hoping for the same but I'm not sure if we should try before or after baby at this point.. I read they can regress if it's too close to a new baby

I saw something about a 3 day potty training. I haven't tried it cause I work full time and can't be at home 3 days straight but it's where you go pantless for 3 days. The first 2 days you go pantless and anytime they pee or poop you make a big deal of it and yell out "you're peeing" or "you're pooping" and run them to the potty and have them sit for a few minutes. The 3rd day you add pants/underwear back into the mix and put them on the potty every 30 minutes to an hour and make a big deal of it everytime they go

@Lindsey I know 3 people that have tried this and 2 out of 3 had success. I’m going to be trying this soon but I’m just trying to get mentally prepared…

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