Controlling inlaws rant/help

I don't know what to do. Hubby and I are living with his parents. We have 9m ours baby and his two, 6 and 7, part time. We have been living here for over 2 years because we can't save up enough to get out because of his $1700 monthly child support and then $12000 in medical bills between the two of us in the last 9 months. His dad is extremely controlling, and I would say boarder line narcissistic, especially with his wife. No one can do anything right ever. He is extremely moody. I'm constantly walking on eggshells. I've had to leave the room to cry so many times because he pushes me so far that I break. But hubby can't say anything because it's his house his rules, and if we question anything, he literally gets inches away and starts yelling. On top of all that, we recently found out the parents have been helping pay bills for other siblings, going as far as seriously considering to help a brothers ex/BM buy a house. But refused to put my husband's injury that cost us $10000, and almost 4 months off, on his home insurance because his rate would increase and publicly shaming me for my frequent bathroom habits during pregnancy and postpartum because I was increasing the utilities bill. I'm losing my mind. Our marriage is really starting to suffer. I have zero support here. The only family I've seen in the last 3 years was my parents for a week when my baby was born, because of covid, and because we can't host anyone here. I just don't know what to do anymore. I don't know how to tell hubby how much I'm struggling because I know he's beyond stressed working 60+ hours a week and then coming home to this. If anyone has any tips to help cope emotionally or mentally, I need all the help I can get. I'm at my breaking point.
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All I’m saying is I’m so sorry darling. The American cs is disgusting 2 children don’t need 1700 monthly it’s messed up beyond words as that’s a huge amount that could be going on renting somewhere. Do you not have enough too rent?

@Melanie we have been working hard on lowering our monthly expenses and we are almost there. But we would just be scraping by and could still only afford a mildly decent place. Which at this point, we've seriously considered a camper on a plot of ground.

Scraping by is better than what you're doing now. If it's possible for you to get a part time in the evening, that would probably help ease things. Get outta there. It's bad for all of you, including the baby and other two kiddos.

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