What are some of the things you wish you knew as a first time Mum? Just for fun, add yours

I'll go first (2nd time Mum to be here) You will hear phantom cries when you go to shower or the toilet without baby Strangers will try to touch your newborn baby without consent, set boundaries Colicky babies are not for the weak Sleep regressions are hard AF You will want "me time" and feel guilty for it You will need a break but then trust no one to look after your baby People are going to have an opinion on how you feed and raise your baby and you may want to rip their head off for offering their advice and opinions when you didn't ask them for it You may never sleep great again There will be poo explosions and lots of them so make sure you always pack spare clothes and nappies in your changing bag People say the newborn stage is hard but it's actually easier compared to the toddler stage, the toddler stage is not for the weak Toddler meltdowns will have you considering whether to put them up for adoption (LOL)
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Parent of a 2yr old, can confirm all above 🤣

The amount of people wanting to touch your bump is unrealllll. Set boundaries, also, breast isn’t best, fed is best, never let anyone say otherwise

Omg 🤣🤣 the last one Completely agree with everything

As a first time mom, what are some positive things also? 🙏🏼

@T the love really is something else! When I had my first I was so worried because I couldn’t picture having another person in the house! But she makes us smile every single day. The things she says, the way she does things etc 😍 Everyday we can’t help but say she’s so cute! Multiple times!

My main thing is that it is really common for babies to lose a lot of weight at first! Within our NCT group there were about 4 of us who had to be put on feeding plans due to baby weight loss and I felt like such a bad mum and didn’t realise how common it was! I stressed SO much about the baby favouring a bottle over breast that I was so focused on breast feeding that my baby didn’t take any other form of milk until she was about 12 months 🤣 I will be introducing a bottle very early this time around 🤣🤣

@chelsea 100% the amount of people who try make Mum's feel bad for not breastfeeding when not everyone can and not everyone wants to.

@T meeting your child for the first time, witnessing their first's and all of their milestones. When they smile, laugh etc it really is amazing

@T So many positives! Getting to know them as they grow is so amazing 🥰 most important thing to know is that you are the best parent for your baby, just as you are - you will have tough times but being you is absolutely enough and what they need ❤️

You do not need all the top end baby items. As long as baby is happy healthy clean and fed then it does not need a £1500 pushchair a £300 cot and branded clothes. If you have the means go ahead but you do not NEED it xxx

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