
Anyone else’s baby still not sleep through the night? I’ve truly tried everything and now I’m a single mom and haven’t had a full night sleep in truly over 2 years. My daughter wakes up multiple times a night crying and we’re up by 5 in the morning for the day. The doctor scoffed at me when I mentioned a sleep study - they also said she’s too young for medication. Melatonin only helps you fall asleep not stay asleep and I think that is what caused night terrors for her in the past. Am I alone on this? It’s making me so miserable.
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I’m a single mom and my 2 year old sleeps through the night. I give him a warm bath every night with lavender bubble bath. I don’t wash him up unless he absolutely needs it but he still gets a warm bath everyday before bed then he gets pajamas on and says goodnight to everyone then brushes his teeth and goes to bed. The lavender helps to relax him just enough to put him to sleep.

My girl doesn't sleep through the night either. I think separation anxiety mixed with nightmares starting around this age is a big part of it. I have no advice, but you aren't alone. I just try to remind myself this is a temporary stage in life and won't be like this forever. You got this mama🫶

Mine literally only sleeps thru the night around this time of year because he's on nightly allergy meds. He has asd & i swear his brain doesn't shut off. But there are times he'll still wake up 3-4 times or at 5am You are not alone mama

@Halli try giving them a pillow or blanket you use a lot

@India we are still waiting to get evaluated - she is likely on the spectrum too. Last time she slept through the night was when she had the stomach bug and was taking zofran. 😭😅 but I feel the same way about her brain not shutting off .

Mine still doesn’t sleep through the night. We had a stretch of about a week right before she turned two where she was sleeping through the night, but then she started teething her molars and she’s been up every two hours a night since. We have moved on from rocking her to sleep to having her go into her toddler bed and she’ll hold my finger until she falls asleep. So I’m hoping that independence of falling asleep in her bed will keep her asleep when her molars finally cut through.

How old is your daughter.? ,,my daughter was the exact same way. In my opinion melatonin doesnot help what so ever ,,she never used melatonin up until she turned 2yrs,, my husband gave it to her I was so against it becuase then she would rely on it to go to sleep ,,but I weaned her off ,,it's difficult becuase every child is different but i took away nap times during the day let her tire herself ALLLDAYY (it was tiring for me to 🤧) and a warm bath or shower with some warm milk, some parents also use white noise or lights to help I don't I just have the room really dark and quiet also sleeping schedules can help if you don't agree with taking away nap times wake her up early and set a nap time early,,hope this helps 💖

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