
I recently stopped giving my 6 month old a bottle in the middle of the night because his pediatrician said he should be sleeping through the night. She also told me to stop giving him a bottle when he wakes up. Every night he wakes up around 2 then again at 3 and usually 5 am. When I hear him crying I go in and give him his pacifier and pat him back to sleep. My best friend says I should let him cry himself back to sleep. Do any of you moms have insight as to what I should do? When I try to let him cry it out he will stand up in his crib crying for more than 20 minutes. I feel too bad to let him go on after that. Please help! Lol
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Tend to his every need. Follow your gut. If he’s crying he needs something. If he wants milk, give him it. He is tiny still. We tended to my daughter every single time she got upset during the night and we cuddled her and held her and fed her. Now at 22 months she falls asleep on her own and does 8/9h stints at night. She has a cuddle then goes back off to sleep for another 3/4hours. Was it easy, nope. Is it worth it for their attachment and well being yes. Please do what feels right for you as a mama. Who on earth decided babies should be sleeping through the night at 6 months!? Sending you love and hope 🥰

Highly recommend joining the Facebook group “The Beyond Sleep Training Project.” Very helpful in learning about biologically normal infant sleep, and strategies to help them sleep as well as possible. It’s also still completely normal for babies 6 months and older to need feeding during the night. They also need comfort and to know that you are there to respond to them when they need you, even during the night 💕

I do not agree with method let baby cry out . I breastfed my 6 month old baby and getting up once at night . Why your paediatrician said to stop giving bottle at night if you don’t mind me asking ? X My son used to wake up around night until he was 1 years old . Its normal for that age. I’m a bit confused with paediatrician advice.

I’m no expert but everyone I’ve spoken to has said let the baby tell you what they need. If he’s hungry feed him but if he sleeps through don’t wake him. I don’t there is any age where they ‘should’ be doing anything! Every adult is different so why wouldn’t babies be?? I also agree with Henrietta he’s very little still! His stomach is only the size of a grapefruit apparently ❤️

@Reina I’m not sure why. She just said he is a big baby and should not be getting a nighttime bottle.when he wakes up. He does go back to sleep seeming like he is not hungry though. My struggle is putting him back to bed and staying asleep for a while. He wakes up often. Last night I took him in bed with me around 5 am and once he was asleep I put him back in his crib. He slept until 8 am. Yes!!!!

@Jennifer If honesty i never been told anything like that by paediatricians. He still small baby and probably wakes up during a night cos he hungry , or just want mummy’s cuddles. I co sleeping with my baby and she wakes up during a night . But you know the best what your baby wants .

@Jennifer My son will be 6 months old on the 28th and he has never had any sleep training Just recently he started sleeping through the night, but before when he would wake up, I would feed him. You definitely should be doing what you feel is best for your son. I would hate for my son to have to go all night without eating, especially knowing he's hungry. Follow what you feel is right, he's your child you know him best. As for the cry it out, I've never let my son cry by himself for more than 4 minutes

I’m sorry… STAND UP?! Haha DAMNN Mr advanced over here

Also … the cry it out method is a process. I haven’t heard of anyone going beyond 5-10 minutes without intervening.. even if its touch just to let him know you’re there. Go easy on yourself mamma

my son wakes up 2–3 times a night & i gladly feed him (unless he easily rocks back to sleep or just needed a diaper change). you have to do what you feel is best for you & your babe. i don’t think there’s any reason to let him cry it out at 6 mm the old.

@Bree lol, yes. He started crawling and pulling himself up on things when he turned 6 months. He’s trying to keep up with his older brother they say.

@Jennifer ahhh! Ok ya makes sense

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