Baby movements

I’m 31 weeks and my baby is more active in the mid/night is anyone else experiencing this same thing? I don’t want to be too concerned.
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Yeah makes sense since you’re not moving at mid/night

So you actually feel the sensations

maybe baby is just checking on you when you’re sleeping the way we check on them when they’re sleeping in there😂

Yep, it's normal. To add to what Sweetie said, you tend to feel your baby more when calm and relaxed... so you will feel the baby a lot during the night. I used to get onto my side before I would go to sleep so that I could feel my kiddo moving and feel at peace before I slept.

@Grace I hope that is the case it is super cute when I feel him move he does a lot of moving. Lol I was just wondering.

@Amanda thank you for the reassurance

@Sweetie thank you for the reassurance. I am always checking for him to move.

Yeah, my son was super active in the middle of the night and when he arrived, he was a little night owl for a while ! Haha

Normal ❤️ I had it explained to me that we are rocking them to sleep all day and during the night they are more awake... Part of why they have to adjust after they are born to sleeping more at night. Plus laying still and being able to focus on the movement makes us more aware of it too.

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