Creating bad habits?

My son as just turned 8months old. He was a really good sleeper and oh how that has changed! I used to give him a dream feed but at most he would take 4oz sometimes even less so I stopped. Now recently he is waking around 1am every night and will not settle until he has had some milk. I tried dream feeding and 11pm tonight and he didn’t take even a sip, yet woke at 1:30 screaming until I fed him. Now I’m worried I’m creating a bad habit with feeding to sleep during the night. Any advice?
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If he's hungry and you feed him that can't be a bad habit lol mine has had some nights where he will wake for a feed, but some nights he has also wanted to go to bed earlier than usual so misses his last bottle. I think there's another leap at around 8 months so I'm sure things will settle back into a more normal routine soon

You cannot spoilt a baby. If they’re hungry, feed them

I’m having the exact same thing with my 8.5 month old. Shes gone from sleeping through to waking in the middle of the night. Try rocking her but she only goes back to sleep with feed. Might be a growth sport ? Or regression? Who knows with these bubbas ?!?

@louisa mine was the same - sleeping through. As soon as I feed him he will go back to sleep so I have been feeding him. But now wondering if he will continue waking even when not hungry, for the comfort of feeding to sleep

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