Can't get baby to sleep in next to me

I've been awake since 2300, barely getting an hour or twos sleep a night as little one isn't settling in next to me at night! I'm breast feeding on demand so I'm not expecting long stretches, but god I need a few extra hours! Il pick her up and shel settle but second I put her down she's crying. I'm terrified of falling asleep whilst holding her
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SAME re the crib!

Can you cosleep? It honestly makes such a difference. It’s crazy how they notice!

My little girl wouldn’t sleep in our next to me or the Moses basket, but the last two nights we’ve managed to get her down in the Moses basket. We’ve had to warm the mattress slightly prior to putting her down using a hot water bottle. I put a tshirt of mine in their in the day so it smells of me, use a white noise machine and have bought a tommee tippee swaddle bag as I also think when she moves her arms it was waking her up. Not sure which of those it is or whether it’s a combination but we’re now getting 2 hours or so at a time

Are you swaddling or using sleep bags or just blankets? My first born loved to be swaddled, as soon as we realised that he slept in the next to me, before that he’d only sleep on us. (We tried warming the bed up with a hot water bottle etc to see if that helped but it didn’t really- they just like to feel secure) 2nd baby loves a sleeping bag and will settle unless she’s got wind/ tummy ache xx

We switched to using the Moses basket in the before as it’s a bit smaller than the next to me and he’s settled down a bit more x

Side lying feeding & safe bed sharing save my sanity as a breastfeeding mum💛

@Jessica I would but currently got the 2 year old in bed aswell so it's a tight squeeze!

@Shenel yeah, I brought the moses basket up last night as we found she was sleeping ok in the day.

@Charlotte been using the Tommy tippee gro bags, but she hates having her arms in. I've ordered one of the love to dream swaddle bags and hope that works some magic ahah

@Phoebe ahh that’s tricky. My husband is in bed with our 2.5 yr old and I’m in a separate bed with the baby!! 🥹 is there a spare bed you could sneak out and use tonight it needed? 🙏🏼 good luck 😘

I put my vest top in their with my LO so they felt I was close taht helped, I also ended up using a dummy which also helped on other occasions, I still struggle to settle him sometimes in the next to me or moses basket I think as he's only 2 weeks he just wants extra cuddles and to be held all the time but if I rock him into a deep sleep 20- 40mins usually seems enough to be able to put him down xx

Do you have a curved nursing pillow that you use whilst BF? My two didn’t settle in their next to me initially either the only way they’d settle was putting them on that in the crib. Obviously it’s not recommended or classed as “safe sleeping” but desperate needs & all that, it was the only way my boys would settle & it worked for us. I’m not sure if it was the scent or the cosiness of being snuggled between it & elevated slightly or a mixture of all 3, but might be worth a try! I’m due our third any day now and will be doing the same again if they don’t settle. Hope you manage a few more hours tonight 🤞🏼🫶🏼

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