Who has more say over baby, mom or dad?

For example, if I say I don’t want to see my MIL and I don’t want my child around her… what happens if the father says “you have to go” or “okay u stay home but I’ll take the baby”..?? I may be in the wrong here, but my whole body goes into shock around this woman after years of manipulation and my mommy protective instincts ring alarm bells of my baby is around her. I feel I did the hard work of IVF, conceiving, carrying my baby, risky pregnancy then the birth.. only for another woman to think she has this access to my child when she has done nothing but disrespect me. Husband is a mommy’s boy, when we go over he just hangs out with his mom. I’m tired of it. But he feels he has some authority over where my baby goes?
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Mother will ALWAYS have final say on a baby bc mothers ALWAYS know what’s best for their babies

Tbh I think it all depends on context. No parent has more authority over another, but if it’s regarding baby’s safety, baby should always be the main priority in my opinion. Like if the issue is with you but she treats the baby with respect and doesn’t hurt or talk bad about you to baby, then she also has the right to be a grandma. But if she’s doing something so sway your child away from you or hurting your baby then I would say do what you gotta do to protect your baby

I think you both have equal say. And trust me I understand the struggle to become a mom. But it doesn’t change the fact that baby is BOTH your child. If you don’t like MIL, don’t visit her. But as far as she is not harming baby, let your husband take baby to visit- that’s his right as a father to want to see his kid bond with his parents. And most importantly it’s your child’s right to have a relationship with grandparents

I think the best thing to do is speak with your partner about the disrespect his mother has shown you. Remind him that you are the woman in his life and mother of your child and you two need to create boundaries when it comes to in laws. You may have to compromise a little bit but I would lay down some ground rules so you aren’t getting angry at each other over it.

@Brisa although I agree, yes my baby deserves a granny etc etc I cannot get past this feeling. She has come between me and hubby I have this over powering fear she will do the same with my baby.

@Shay I get that 💕 but if she is disrespecting me, long story short… not listening to anything I have to say in terms of what to feed baby, she sticks fingers in babies mouth, takes her off me and walks away etc etc how do I get past this feeling? How can I trust her if I’m not around if she doesn’t listen even when I’m around.

You both have equal say, but baby’s safety should always come first. If there is something your MIL is doing with your baby that is not ok/safe then you need to tell your husband and he either has to talk to his mom about it or decide his mom cannot see baby anymore. If that is not the case then I don’t think it’s fair for your baby to not see and get the love and attention from his grandma just because you have an issue with her.

I'm in the same situation but it's more for us I don't want to see her as often as my husband wants us to because we barely ever saw her before and we never had a relationship yet now she wants to and he will say the same thing, "you stay here and I'll take the baby". It's so hard. My heart goes out to you. It's impossible to suppress that whole body fight or flight too

Trust your motherly instincts I promise you they’ll never lie to you

You both have equal say so you need to work this out between you and find a compromise.

No one has more say than the others(unless you are separated and there is court orders) I tell my fiancé to go with out me all the time but won’t. Tell your husband how you feel..

Equal authority but he can’t make you go to his moms. He can take the baby though, unfortunately you have a mommy’s boy like stated. He is going to stay that way most likely unless you start enforcing some boundaries.

No one has a right to the baby. Expect the parents, if on birth certificate. Anyone else has to go to court. Grandparents seeing grandkids is a privilege not a right. They have to go to court for the legal rights.

I have final say on everything to do with my son. His dad despite on birth certificate knows this. His dad doesn’t take our son anywhere without me. So if I don’t want to or can’t go then neither does our son. That’s for his own safety.

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