
Did anyone feel much kicks at 20 weeks ?
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I felt nothing until about 25/26 weeks, I did carry small so I don't know if that was why.

@Samantha I feel the old kicks now and then like but some days nothing and I am quite small yeahh x

Yes, I started with bubbles and pops at 16 weeks, even though it was my first and I'm overweight 😮 at 20 it was proper kicking and my partner could feel it at 21 weeks, but everyone is so different and each pregnancy is different so 🤷🏻‍♀️ At 20 weeks I could only feel kicking if I was lying down and relaxing I think? It took a long time to feel kicks standing up if I remember right. Partly because baby just falls asleep when you're on the move 😅

@Heidi yeahh when I’m sat down for a bit or laying down I feel it but when I’m active nothing it’s like yeahh can I can sleep 🤣🤣x

@Nia If you're worried, definitely speak to your midwife. People told me that a hot drink or sweeties helped to get theirs moving - that didn't help for me though 😅.

@Samantha I’ve Spoken to them just thought anyone else in the same boat lol x

Didn’t start feeling anything until 20+5 but not very often I am quite small so not sure if that is why. Some days there is a lot and other days there is nothing

@Keely yeahh that’s meee some days I’m a kicking bag others nothing ahha I’m 4,11 and quite slim

@Nia didn’t start feeling kicks until i was 22weeks. Also i have an anterior placenta so makes it even harder to feel them.

yes i’ve been feeling kicks since 18 weeks and my partner has been able to feel them since 20 weeks ☺️

@Rebecca wheen you due

@Nia september 6!

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