
Is anybody else really struggling to get back into work? I've returned part-time and enjoy having something else to think about other than naps, meals and nappies but I'm struggling to transition from Mum to my job role so frequently. I just feel a bit overwhelmed and over emotional. I send an email with a typo In it and that's enough for me to want to give up 😂 I really feel for people in high-pressured jobs and those who haven't been given any flexibility when returning, I don't know how you do it! In fact, I feel for all parents whether you're going back to work or working full time as a parent. I think you worry so much about the birth and raising a newborn that you don't necessarily think ahead to this difficult stage.
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I'm looking for another job. I've been with mcdonalds for 3 years and I just want something else now. I've got a new chapter of my life with my child and I still feel miserable. Work is the only other change i can make and I think it's long overdue

@Emily - Jade Yes, I can understand that feeling. I want to move on to something new but a bit stuck where I am because we want to try for baby #2. I hope you find a new job that makes you happy x

I’m back at work towards the end of May and I have so much anxiety going back 4 days a week. I’m just not sure how I’m going to juggle work demands, spending time with my baby but also making sure he goes to bed early enough. I’m worried about being so tired that I can’t concentrate at work and I’ll just make mistakes 😩

Same 😢 I’ve done a few kit days one of them a full shift as a nurse and I just cried cos I felt so overwhelmed trying to remember stuff I used to find easy. I also just wanted to go home every second I was there but was so looking forward to communicating with adults 🙄 it’s all so confusing isn’t it 🫤 Hopefully in time it will feel more natural and fall in to place for us all xx

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