Unsure on whether to cancel FET- help!

I have a low AMH but managed to get 5 PGT tested embryos. Having issues with my lining- only got up to 7.8mm after maximum drugs. Looks trilaminar and no scar tissue. In my mind I really wanted to get above 8mm so not to waste embryos as I know success rates are higher… Should I transfer or cancel the cycle? I have had cycles cancelled with linings in the 6mms and a failed transfers at 7.3 and 8.4mm but untested embryos. During my collections I have managed to get into the 8mms but clinic don’t want to give me such high dose meds as this could apparently affect transfer if ovaries over stimulated. Thanks!
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I also have a 7.8 mm lining with the trilamimar pattern and my doctor said they accept anything above 7. This ultrasound was 1 week prior to the transfer date so I am hoping it got to 8mm within that week. When was your lining measurement taken?

Measurement taken on the day of trigger (5 days before transfer) which I understand is meant to be the ‘peak’ of the endometrial thickness

Oh ok I’m not doing a trigger shot with my protocol so I’m not sure when my peak is

Drink bone broth atleast 1 week before transfer and youll notice tour lining get thicker in your scans before transfer. Make it at home and drink it 2 or 3 tikes a day for that week. It worked for me hun x

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