To hear his voice

My little boy is 3 today and I just long to hear him speak to me 💔🥲
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My little girl was 3 on monday I feel the same she's also non verbal ❤️

My son is 2 in 3 weeks & I feel the same way 🥲

My twins were 3 on the 17th, the youngest twin is not speaking yet. I know non-verbal is a proper term, but saying it feels so final and permanent to me. I feel like lately I've been hearing him say things but I could just be desperate and totally imagining it. 😔

@Sadé my son’s speech therapist says she prefers to use the word “pre verbal” for children this young! My best friends little brother is autistic and her mom was told that he was going to be nonverbal for life, and after therapies he started talking at 8 years old and now no one can get him to stop talking! it’s not always permanent ❤️

My youngest son is almost 8 now and he's autistic. He didn't start talking until he was 4 and didn't really speak in full sentences until recently and like I said he's gonna be 8 in 2 months. Your child may still start talking! Or they might not and that's OK, too ❤️

@Maegen This is so awesome! It gives me hope!

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