Nursery help Coventry

I have a horrible gut feeling about sending my little girl to nursery. I don’t know what to do I think it’s more of the fact I don’t get a warm caring feeling from the staff it worries me each time I send her in she used to be quite excited to go but now she’s crying at the mention of it and she’s a very outgoing sociable child. Please can anyone recommend me a nursery in Coventry where you feel staff are good. The. Current nursery don’t let you walk in to collect your child or bring them inside when you’re dropping them off… is this quite a normal thing?
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We were allowed inside during settling in so for the first week and a half but after that we have to drop him off at the door. We are still allowed in at pick up though to be able to discuss his day The first two weeks were horrible, tears from everyone involved but now he seems to like the staff and is more settled Hope it improves for you too!

Hey! You could talk to them first as a point of call? I always appreciate when people trust me to come and speak to me first. Let them know you are feeling this way and offer to stay in for the first 10/15 minutes for a week as it bothers you to see your child in distress? If they accept you can see they are trying to see things from your perspective and that's a good sign. If they refuse I would ask why and challenge it in an untriggering way. You could ask if something may have happened but I would keep my expectations low with the answer you may get. There might be a lot of reasons why staff are not warm: personality/overworked/staff turnover. You have the right to feel confident and safe when you send your child somewhere. If you feel something isn't right then, trust yourself. I am very picky where I'll send her and I watch out for a few criteria and ask questions on visit. I ask how often do you have new staff? (If they have to often recruit it may mean their staff is overworked).

You can ask what's the policy if the child is hurting following physical injury or is distressed following an incident with another child/staff member? I look at what their intent is (do they have a theme/do they think a particular skill is important and try to develop it?). Do they have a vision? Do they have systems in place to make their staff feel confident in what they are doing? I am not so bothered if staff are not "warm" because I am not always really warm depending on the context so would not expect that from others 100% of the time. But I do want to see people confident and ready to take the lead with things as little ones need that safety. I also look at honesty/integrity and how people might react in case something did happen. And what sort of opinion they have on parents (just people in our way to prevent us to do our job - that's a warning sign for me) These are my criteria they are going to be different for everyone.

And if after negotiating/talking with the nursery you are still unsatisfied with the answer - I have two nurseries that did give me good feelings. You can send me a message if you want to know their name 👍🏻

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