Cranky baby

Anyone else’s 7 month old so angry suddenly? He’s been his normal happy self but as soon as he turned 7 months yesterday he’s been so cranky and crabby. No teeth No fever Eating plenty of solids Normal diapers He’s been nursing all day long no stop and screaming bloody murder if I stop nursing or set him down. Pic so we dont get lost
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Same here ....

same here, my baby will be 7 months in 4 days and has been sooo clingy lately ! it’s also a full moon !

Mine has been clingy too. Probably going through a leap/growth spurt

Same! Ours nearly screamed himself to sleep until we gave him a bottle and he’s been happy as a clam since. I’m thinking it must be a growth spurt because he’s been so tired, hungry and clingy lately!

Same here too, been waking in the middle of the night again also

Omg so mine isn't the only one! Mine doesn't let me put him down even sitting next to me he cries to climb on me and just wants me nobody else!!! And literally screams like somebody is trying to take the kid!! Its very frustrating especially with no bbydaddy around !! I find myself snapping and have to remember hes just a baby😫😫

@Hali this was happening with ours as well so we moved his bedtime up to 730 and it helped a lot! Idk if that’s helpful to you but I figured I’d share just in case, I read online that frequent night wakings can be a sign of overtiredness and it really helped for us!

Btw your son is so handsome he actually resembles my son lol weird

No teeth doesn't mean he isn't teething... my little has been screaming bloody murder for the last week but as soon as he has something to chew on he is fine.

I just can't stop admiring his cuteness. I could hold him all day🥰

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