Getting Baby in a Routine

My baby turned 2 months yay!!! BUT WE NEED A ROUTINE! Any tips? I’m also a breastfeeding on demand mom… AND a FTM!
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Hey! You can write down when your baby drinks, sleeps and poops. Best to do it over the course of a few days or so. You won’t catch everything in just a couple days of recording so, I actually did it for one week. Ever since she was two weeks old., She has been on the same schedule. The only time it really fluctuates during the growth spurts travel. Growth spurts are three, six, nine weeks/months old. You will notice a change a few days before your baby turns three months. Like literally in the week leading up to it, they might sleep a little longer or a little less during their nap. Anyway, we built her schedule off of her natural routine. It’s worked great and she will be two in two months. I pump instead of breast-feed on demand it’s a lil built around my pump times as well. If you are late to put her down, or breast-feed her because maybe you’re driving getting home etc, you will see what a back up plan looks like when times get pushed back & can develop a secondary plan

You simply have to find/do what works best for you & your schedule. For evening time, I usually eat dinner, shower (to get my milk flowing really good with the hot water), wipe down/bathe baby, swaddle, do whatever calming techniques baby likes, read or sing lullabies & breastfeed to sleep. I’m a mom of 2 under 2 so it’s a MUST I have some type of routine going. Just know it may differ day by day.. it’s never exactly the same lol.

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