Intense toddler

Is anyone else's 2 year physically and emotionally draining then. I literally cannot cope anymore and have to have counselling and meditation again to try and survive each day, which to be honest isn't doing much at all. I just want to run away, I hate being a mum. My 2 year old, doesn't talk much. Gets frustrated easily, tantrums literally over everything and anything. He is always on the move, never sits still, even for dinner, nursery have said he always just wants to run. He bolts if I let him walk alone, he hates reins and won't hold my hand. He then has huge tantrums if he can't go the way he wants and refuses to walk, then thrashes around screaming when I try and get him in the pram. I dread going out now so spend more time in the house and sort when we do go to group he screams and tantrums to get his coat on at the end and I end up just crying with frustration, it's so embarrassing. He won't ever leave me alone, I have to be by his side every second of the day, if I move 1cm away he has a tantrum and screaming fit. He only ever plays with cars, saying that he only ever just likes crashing them together and chucking them and the only words he really says is car and makes car noises. He likes going outside but anything else he won't show interest in. He follows instructions but only when he feels like it which isn't much at all. He is picky with food, he loves fruit and meat and that's about it. Nursery he eats better than at home. I just feel like I'm struggling. I keep looking at him like is this normal or does he have something wrong. I keep getting told it's normal toddler behaviour but then others are like oh that isn't right this isn't right, I'm so confused. I am going to be honest in saying I have never wanted children so I'm wondering if that's why I am finding it even harder. My partner really wanted children and he is amazing with him and really hands on but I'm finding it really hard. I had severe postnatal depression and anxiety with my son and felt as though I've never really connected with him, which sounds awful. My son gets more upset when my partner leaves the room then me, which makes me feel as though I've failed as a mum.
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My little boy mostly plays with cars he loves rolling them anywhere and everywhere, he also loves being outside and I find it helps me also if I take him out in the morning let him go on his scooter and play in the park we both have a better day, my 2 year old went through a really hard stage and he seems a lot calmer now they are really frustrated with not being able to talk and say what they want. It sounds like you need a break and to do something you enjoy alone, does your partner help out at all? Having a bath and letting him do the bedtime routine really helps me wake up feeling so much more positive, you need to just rest as much as you need to while your feeling down don’t feel guilty for it in the long run you will feel better for it. If you have Facebook the mum space page is really good for advise on things like this, we all struggle x

Having similar issues coping with the constant tantrums over absolutely nothing and no longer sleeping through the night. Find it so triggering and feel like I’m on the verge of tears all the time. He used to be so lovely, hardly ever had tantrums and happy all the time. Just this last few weeks he’s like a totally different child. I have noticed he’s a lot easier to deal with on the days we’ve been to the park in the morning. Should be easier now the weathers getting better. Just hoping this is a phase and will pass soon 😞 We’re definitely not alone that’s for sure and as hard as it is it’s nice to not feel alone.

It's definitely normal toddler behaviour my 21 month old is similar with most of it other then the tantrums and food. My lb doesn't talk much but uses sounds that we have now became familiar with so we understand what he wants or wants us to do. This age is very very difficult as there not at the age of where they fully understand things so they don't understand why they can't walk that why they can't do this and that. And the only way a child knows how to express what they don't like is through crying and tantrums. We have to been the constant guesser when it comes to our toddlers trying to figure out what they don't like and what they do like and it's hard. I've got 3 older children also and I remember this stage very well things will get better just hang on in there. ❤️

Wish I could give you a hug! I’ve been through this, learn to breathe! Just breathe and take a minute because I’m sure your son LOVES everything about you and everything you do. Toddlers are little devils lol they are very testing. I’ve had many breakdowns where I’ve screamed cried infront of my little one and felt VERY guilty and bad afterwards. It’s very normal to have a rush of emotions. Please be kinder to yourself! Your doing a great job by coming on here and expressing it. That shows your a good mum alone! Xx

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