Yes I’m tired but…

If someone else tells me to ‘nap when the baby naps’ I will cry! I know people mean well but it’s not possible. Baby either doesn’t nap long enough, there’s other things to be done, ie bottle cleaning, washing etc or quite frankly I just can’t shut off and sleep because I’m forever thinking of the next thing that’s coming. I know people mean well but seriously, please 🙏
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Same.. my baby’s naps are generally 30-45 mins long these days, that’s barely enough time to shut off and fall sleep. Plus short day time sleep is not what I need, I need a good solid block at night 🙏🏻

My baby won’t even nap by herself so how can I sleep if I need to be rocking her the entire time 😂

I swear the only people who say this have a lot of help or have never actually had a baby!

@Eliza also this! she is napping on me now and in the 25 mins she has been asleep i’ve had to shush her back to sleep twice 🙃

Yep it drives me insane

I hear ya! Our baby only naps for 45 mins and sometimes we have to go in during that time and settle him again! I hate ppl who say "Sleep when the baby sleeps!:

Agree! So damn annoying! I can hardly fall asleep at night, how the heck am i gonna fall asleep in a 50 min window with one million things to do?? 🤦🏻‍♀️

Absolutely! 90% of his naps are literally in my arms or in the pram whilst I push it, so impossible for me to nap along. Also what @Hannah said, short daytime naps just make me feel anxious and leave me wanting more lol, it’s like eating one crisp and then having to stop haha. Just craving an actually decent block at night.

My baby contact naps or naps 20 mins if I’m lucky. Shes had a cold so they’re even shorter!

Yesss this gets me. Also 'make sure you're taking time to do something nice for yourself' ummm I have a 10wk old baby that likes to have a boob snack every hour and only sleeps being held...any 'me time' is spent hanging laundry or really quickly cleaning the bathroom if I'm lucky 😂

I function very poorly with little sleep so sadly my home is a major wreck between the fact that my 4 month old is extremely clingy and the fact that she and my 14 month old daughter rarely nap at the same time 😭

I never did anything while my son slept but 20 minutes of sleep if I could fall asleep would have made things worse not better. Very annoying for me too. My son is now 2 and is finally sleeping better but people will say to just go to bed early or just have me time while he sleeps as if that’s possible for a kid that usually only sleeps 9 hours.

I have a 4 year old so for me to nap while the baby naps is impossible and I hate it when people say this to me.

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