Mother in law and sister in law question

Hi I had my first born last week and my mother in law and sister in law are really in my face My mother in law is obsessed with oiling my son she wants to come round every evening to oil him Its like i don’t know how to oil my baby She drenches him in oil 😖 Then my sister in law just sits in my house for 2-3 hours straight holding the baby Which i don’t like either and she doesn’t listen to me when i say something Any advice on how to get the message through to these ladies
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Gosh I would not like that. Can your partner speak to them? I always think it's better for partner to handle their family.

Talk to your partner and tell him to set boundaries. Your baby just got there and they need you, not your sister in law holding them 2-3 hours a day. If they want to help they can cook or clean or take the trash out.

Can you limit their visits? Tel mil he’s already been oiled so no Or yes get your partner to have a word if you don’t feel comfortable to yourself

I have had this personally with my mother in law and the best advice I can give is let you and your partner lead the way and the more you make it clear that this is your child and as much as you appreciate there help it’s just a lot for you and remember it’s your baby no one is allowed to question how you feel it’s your decision your allowed to be firm unfortunately people might take it the wrong way but the sooner you lay down what you want from them or how it’s a bit too much for you they should respect that and let you navigate your first child for me it was just being firm and fair and getting where they was coming from but also explaining this is mine and my partners daughter and we will do what we think is best thank you but I’m good xx

It's a tough one when you feel obligated to just stay quiet because it's family. Have you tried sitting them down with your partner present? It may not be intentional if they aren't aware of how they are affecting you? (I hope lol). If that doesn't work, you could try being a bit firm such as wiping the oil off and juat taking your baby back when you feel like you need to. However it looks or seems to them, you need to do what is best for you before you can do what someone else needs or wants. I've been and still in your position. It's a hard one 🤣.

I think you need to put your foot down your baby your rules. Quite frankly I don’t care if they mean well bla bla bla, this is your time to bond with your baby without any interruptions or anyone stressing you out. Firstly, express how you’re feeling to your husband hopefully he will understand how you’re feeling and your pint of view. Get him on board and to back you up. Secondly, tell them that you need a couple of weeks alone to bond with your baby, without any interruption. That you appreciate them trying to help, (take over more like), but you really need this alone time with your baby and you will message them when you feel ready to have people round again. They won’t like it but fudge them they don’t seem to consider your feelings so why worry so much about theirs? Sounds selfish right? No! You need this time to get use to being a mummy and to get to know your baby with a clear head not a stressed out head, because your mother in law greases your baby up like a kipper.

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This sounds really hard! Try talking with your partner and setting boundaries for when they can visit. For them to still feel valued and welcomed.. within parameters. When they are there could you use it as time to look after yourself and do something nice maybe

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