15 month old bed

Anyone put their 15 month old in a toddler bed yet? My boy is 86cm tall (that’s the average height of a 30 month old toddler) and he’s banging his head on the crib walls all throughout the night. He’s definitely too big for his crib now but I’m not sure he’ll stay put all night in a toddler bed as he tends to wake up, stand and then fall back asleep in the middle of the night. Any suggestions on beds that I can transition him to?
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Following!! My babe never stops moving but the size of a 2 year old and sleeps with his feet out the crib side lol

Can consider baby proofing the room and doing a floor bed

Might not sleep on it all the time, but that’s ok. They get it eventually!

Hi!! First of all, you say what !? 36cm tall??? Like from head to toe ?and he is big ?? I'm sorry I am a little bit lost because my daughter is 14 months old soon 15 months this 30 April and she is 78 cm head to toe and weight 11.60kg if your son is big mine is gigantic 🥲🤯 Second,For the bed I have a full bed just for her because she love to move and move a lot during the night. She was 10 months old when I put a floor bed and teach her to climb . She is doing very well also we put some puffy sheet around the bed when it's night time because sometimes she fall. Her room is not close during the night because she is used to come directly to see us when she wake up. If that bothers you, you can put a baby barrier. Either way I don't like toddler beds they are really too small for her.. :/ and she doesn't sleep well.

We just transitioned to big girl bed. We just put a twin mattress on the floor and have a bumper on the side so she can’t roll out. Best decision we made! Day 6 of sleeping through the night !! 🎉

We transitioned to a crib sized floor bed at his first birthday and baby proofed the whole room. Kiddo has a few toys, a foam floor mat, a two shelf bookshelf that is bolted to the wall, and a couple books. It took him a bit to adjust and he sleeps on the bed most days 😂 in the fall we will be transitioning again to a twin size bed with a side rail. He seems to like being able to roam freely around his room when he wakes after naps and in the mornings

Assuming op meant inches not cm

@Julia that was a major typo that I didn’t even realize I made 😂 my son is 86cm tall.

I bet ! 😂😂


My daughter is 30inches tall & I think I’ll have her in a crib a while longer. She’s too busy haha

Our son is 85 cms 33.something inches and we don’t know how he will sleep in a toddler bed when all he does is roll around in circles

I am as of today ! Just waiting for the Walmart truck lol I co-slept for the first 10 months until cAS told me I couldn't.he hates his crib but beds are not new to him and he's always stealing mine in the mornings 🤣 been spending my morning sleeping on his Elmo sofa at first I thought he wanted me for comfort until he was legit kicking me out of my own bed 🤣. My son's a big boy too 16 months old and 2t is already getting tight and size 6 diapers 😦 But my rooms a open concept to no doors so got more baby gates toddler bed in the corner and I got foam matts Incase he falls ☺️ When he's ready you will know ❤️

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