How do u know when the regression is over?

For those of you who got through regression, what were the signs your baby was getting done with regression? Mine has lost appetite drastically since yesterday (usually eats over 30oz/day and now down to 20oz). Wondering if it’s the sign she’s at the tail end of it. Also how long did the regression last? Thanks so much mamas 🫶🏼
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That’s a good question! I googled it and it says anywhere from 2-6 weeks but it also says it depends on each baby! Maybe ask your baby’s pediatrician?! As long as baby’s behavior doesn’t change drastically, I think baby will be fine!

My daughter is just now going thru regression. She’s not sleeping as much as she used to. Shes went from 5-6 naps a day to 1 nap a day. How did you mommas get thru sleep regression?

@Kylie Rose how old is your baby? you may want to drop to 3 or 4 naps a day. It's been 3 weeks of a regression and I decided to sleep train 2 nights ago. She's now sleeping how she was prior to the regression.

@Abby she’ll be 4 months on the 30th. She’s went from 5-6 naps a day to one nap a day that lasts about an hour. It’s frustrating because she’ll get tired but fight it all day

@Abby that's awesome, good for you! May I ask what sleep training approach you took? We're wondering about that too

We did a verrry light version of ferber at about 3.5 months, so I wouldn't even consider that training but we had to resort to the CIO method. I told myself I never would but 3 weeks of up every 2 hours and one night of up every hour and something had to change. We ditched the paci cold turkey and went straight from the Merlin sleep suit to a sleep sack. She's already made huge adjustments and naps have been getting longer too.

@Kylie Rose I would highly recommend watching wake windows and how you set up your babies sleep space. It seems that baby is overtired. At 4 months, we were at 1.5 hour wake windows. If baby cat naps, you can try stretching wake windows slightly to see if that helps but at 4 months, they should be napping 4-5 times.

@Kylie Rose aww poor baby and poor you! My LO would drop a nap sometimes, which is not a concern for us. Instead, the quality of her naps got rough 😒 She'd nap only 5-20mins at a time for 4-6 times a day. If we're lucky, 40 minutes (which requires tons of rocking or attempting to feed during the nap). And each naptime routine, we’d go through whole rituals of trying to rock/bounce for at least 20mins and up to 45 minutes sometimes - my back is killing me 😔 Also, feeding her has been super tough due to regression, I think. Have you or anyone else experienced something similar? And have tips to share or just offer solidarity 🥹

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