I found out someone’s a pedophile..

Long story here so please bear with me. We moved into our new home a year ago now, our landlord is my auntie and the guy that lived here previously was a disgusting pig to put it shortly. I’ve never seen a house left in such a state. We had to get professional cleaners in twice and even then they couldn’t get the bathroom anywhere near clean we had to get a new one fitted. He also owes my auntie thousands in rent but she’s old and she didn’t chase it up like she should’ve although she’s in the process of taking him to court. But anyway dispite all that I always had a weird feeling about him- fast forward to a few months ago I receive letters and it has police on the front I panic and open it and there was another letter inside the letter? I thought weird and then realised he was addressed to the guy who previously lived her ( yes ik it’s illegal to open mail but he had 8 months to change addresses and he’s refused to do so ) so I continued to open it and low and behold he’s on bail for distributing child pornography… I was absolutely flipping disgusted. I have a one year old and even the thought of living in this house knowing what he was doing here makes me sick. Nevermind the fact our address is still on all his things, what if someone found out and came to our address thinking he was still here! Fast forward another 2 weeks another letter comes and this time it listed his past offences. And lo and behold a few years back he also got charged with same thing! But our stupid country ( uk ) judicial system is shit, how someone who’s done this multiple times is getting let off with a slap on the wrist is beyond me. He has his own company and frequently visits people’s homes , I can’t sleep at night thinking he’s servicing all these people’s homes and they have no idea what he is. I’ve done something I probably shouldn’t have but made a fake account to put a review on his business to say please do not use this guy and keep him away from your children. I know I shouldn’t get involved but it makes me sick and if he’s got away with child pornogrsphy for years who knows how he will escalate. Should I just mind my business or do you think I was in the right mind to do that? Thankyou …
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Should I delete the review in case he somehow works out it’s me..? Or would you do the same

Hell, tell me the business I’ll write a review too!

I would delete the review in case he finds out its you

@Olivia hahaha Thankyou! But best not to he’s already reported the comments I made and deleted them all lol x

@Tara it’s been deleted now within 5 mins - not by me but I assume by the guy himself

@Ciara no I did think about it but I was a bit worried about getting in trouble for opening the mail , but I may do that as we’ve had men turning up asking for him because he owes them money!

@Ciara yes I reckon your right, I will do! More worried that’ll get released what he’s done and people will turn up to our addresss!

They will believe you may have opened one letter by accident, but not 11. Next time you get a letter do not open it and return it with a note saying the person doesn't live there anymore. Tell them that you threw the previous letters away but since you keep receiving them, you want to express your concern and update them to stop receiving post or have your address linked to anything. It will also be a good precedent to file a lawsuit against the guy for the arrears. This will help in future investigations about his whereabouts. After the review the guy must be intrigued.

If he’s been charged multiple times then he hasn’t got away with it has he, he will be on the sex offenders register and having to comply with any stipulations put in place, his work activity must comply otherwise he would be in violation of his order. Don’t write bad reviews, not worth your time. Any post for him, write ‘no longer at this address, return to sender’ and put back in the postbox.

Yeah stop opening his mail, that’s really not okay. Obviously what he’s done/doing is completely wrong but that doesn’t give you the right to keep opening his very private letters. Just return to sender and keep out of it. If you’re getting concerned about people showing up to your home, then go and speak to the police.

@Alana I opened two letters. And respectfully , pedophiles don’t deserve privacy they are SICK. Plenty of people turn a blind eye - you sound like one of them.

@Lisa I have done this before and have got the same letters back through my letter box with my writing on. I then had to resort to giving it to a different neighbour who knew his address but didn’t want to tell me as he knows this guys owes my auntie rent money.

This would make me feel better exactly the same! I watched a video earlier on statistics of men who are interested in children, and it’s is actually a LOT, and that’s just what they know about. So I think to some degree unless the person has committed a certain offence , nothing gets done. I did hear a police person explain that the knowledge in the community should be their punishment. So don’t change the review. Keep it. Why should you be worried about sharing some really important information. You might stop a serious offence happening. Inform people!!!

You should also tell the neighbour that covered for him re:address. You have no obligation or duty to uphold his persona within the community.

@Tara what do you think would happen if he finds out she knows about what he is?

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@Poppy Thankyou!!! Children are the most innocent beings they are our future, they need to be protected at all costs. But unfortunately some people are more concerned that I opened a couple of letters which is absolutely absurd! This sick man was viewing and sharing images of children! I 100% agree with you, which was the point of this post! People deserve to know! But unfortunately the uk justice system doesn’t agree with us. You get more for dealing a bit of weed than you do hurting an innocent child these days.. awful stuff

@Poppy I agree , especially as there’s loads of other little kids on my road but unfortunately this guy knows the addresses of my house and my family and you never know what someone is capable of , I’m hoping it all comes to light soon but will absolutely speak up if I see him anywhere near our neighbourhood

@Poppy I think 🤔 he would kill him self cuz he will be a shame about it all

@Tara I don’t disagree with you, however , not every human has the ability to feel shame for their bad behaviour

@Incog… this is actually so true. You just don’t know what anyone is capable of , or who they know that is. We live in such a complex world these days. I know it’s drastic, but I would be so keen to move. I would struggle with the energy of the home. I hope you win the lottery or somthing so you can ! 😊

I just think, let’s not be too scared to essentially “protect” a peadophile by not sharing with people. It can be uncomfortable but for me, our children need to be protected. People do not realise how much of a MASSIVE problem this is in the world. Don’t even go down the rabbit hole, trust me. Girl, do what you need to do to feel safe in your home and do what you can to share in however suits you best xxx

@Poppy @Tara for a lot of them , this is the easy way out. When they’re indulging in these sick activities they feel no shame. It’s the consequences they are trying to avoid

@Poppy I really wish we could move. Although he no longer lives near here the fact he did and was looking and sharing this images in the house I now call home makes me sick😔luckily this was just a starter to help us out so I will be out of here as soon as I can

@Poppy I totally agree. There’s too many people not speaking out! That’s why I went with the review to try and warn people who are currently in contact with him! He’s got some criminal record to so trying to keep my name away from it as hes also not a sick man but a dangerous one. I already went down the rabbit hole… it’s very depressing! I can only hope the police are doing their due diligence on his current case against him and he gets the book thrown at him! Xx

Are you going to move? I would move 🤮 Just the thought of living in the space used by someone doing those things, I wouldn't be able to shake it. It's incredibly sinister 😖

@Zara I would love to and that’s our aim! Makes me sick knowing what he was looking at and sharing with all other sickos in this house but not in the financial position to right now😔as soon as we are I’ll be straight on out of here!xx

So because I don’t think it’s okay to open someone else’s mail, that must mean I’m alright with someone being a paedophile? Don’t be ridiculous. You didn’t know what his crimes were the first time you opened his letter. You said you opened the first envelope, there was a second inside but you saw it was police and continued. Your justification for opening the letter was he had 8 months and didn’t bother, you saw it was police and wanted to be nosy. You didn’t open it because you felt some moral obligation so perhaps stop with the judgment of people you do not know (me, not him). What he has done is disgusting and they shouldn’t be allowed so easily to hide within the public.

You should go to the police, inform them that you opened the letter and he doesn’t live there. How are you protecting innocent children by letting the police still believe they know where this man lives, as opposed to telling them he does not live there and allowing them the opportunity to find where he actually is so they can actually monitor him. I’m also assuming you have kids, my first priority would be protecting them and I wouldn’t do anything that could bring them unnecessary harm or attention. I’d want to draw attention to the police that they don’t know his whereabouts and that you have people knocking on your door looking for him.

@Alana the police know he no longer lives there like I said I passed on all this information to a friend of his who also lives within the neighbourhood and have been told he would sort it. And since the letters have stopped. He is still working in a position where he enters family homes regularly ( self employed ), that is why I wrote the anonymous review in the first place. I never asked for advice on wether or not I should’ve opened the letter and I certainly don’t need you telling me wether it was right or wrong to do so. I opened it, found out something and I was worried about the information I knew. The point of my post was I was concerned if I should’ve written that and what would others do in my position - NOT on the legality of me opening mail. If you wouldn’t have opened it then fine, but I already had that wasn’t the point of this post. Any other advice I’ve taken onboard and I done everything anonymously to protect my identity and my children.

In your post you didn’t specify that you’d been to the police, notified of change of address and that the letters have stopped. I’m not reading a load of comments to find that out. You put up a post regarding a situation then get annoyed when someone comments on said situation and pass judgement that I must obviously be okay with pedophiles because I wouldn’t have continued opening someone’s mail 🙄 I don’t think there’s anything else you can do, he’s known to the police, he’ll likely be on the register. He hasn’t gotten away with anything because he was caught. Unless there’s new evidence to bring to the police’s attention, there’s nothing else you can do. You can post as many reviews as you like but he’ll just delete them. I’d stay well away.

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@Alana my point was I asked for advice on the situation. And your comment seemed more concerned about the opening of the letters. Which in the grand scheme of things is completely unimportant and at that point it was already done so there was no need to address it. I appreciate any other advice

You asked for advice, most people’s advice is to mind your own business. There’s lots of horrible people in this world, don’t disrupt your own peace by dwelling on this one person. He’s been caught, the police have dealt with him as they see fit, he will be on the register and therefore have conditions. His work must abide by this. Why are you wasting any more of your energy, why even still be thinking or talking about him. Never mind writing reviews?! What are you wanting to achieve or do?

@Lisa I agree that I shouldn’t dwell on this but I find it extremely hard to push to the back of my mind. I know people personally affected by this and I truly believe these people shouldn’t get to live peacefully. Although I understand I’m not the “police” and can’t do anything. Seeing woman and people with their families writing reviews on his company not knowing who this man is just didn’t sit right with me. I could absolutely mind my own business, and have since retracted my review in case he was to work out it was me. But i personally find it very hard to ignore people who have done this who then get to live a perfectly normal life. “The police” really don’t do as good as a job as you’d think with people like this. Most get a slap on the wrist

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