Too old or should I worry

My 10 almost 11 year old daughter chooses to watch shows like Octonauts and Bluey (I don't approve of Bluey) even when my 14 month old isn't in the room. I honestly don't even know what 10 year old girls are watching today but I don't think it would be these a lost mama out
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My almost 9 year old niece watches bluey. Nothing wrong with that at all. everyone's different. even adults watch shows or movies meant for younger kids. I'd be more worried if your 10 year old was watching inappropriate adult shows!

I enjoy watching kids shows myself even when my son isn’t around. I don’t really think it’s too much to worry about as long as she’s developmently where she should be and also watches/plays with age appropriate toys and shows

when my boyfriend was 10, he told me he was already watching robot chicken and family guy..another inappropriate show i can’t remember but when i was 10, i was watching super why and oswald 😭 .. i rather have my son watch what i was watching than what my boyfriend watched

What’s wrong with bluey?

Nothing wrong with this at all.. kids these days are just as entertained by adult content as adults are, it’s a gem to see children being children, cherish it while you still have it mama 💜

I’ve seen 10 years these days want skin care from sephora , I’d feel thankful not worried. I believe children should live in their innocence as long as possible. My son is almost 7 & still watches & plays paw patrol, when his dad & step dad tell him batman , I correct them & tell my son it’s okay to like what he likes.

I think it's appropriate for her to be watching kids shows still at 10 she's still a kid The issue would be if she was 10 trying to watch adult shows. She sounds normal

Definitely just enjoy it while it lasts. I wouldn't worry or say anything.

I watched Disney junior up until I was a senior in high school 🤷🏻‍♀️ if it’s not inappropriate and she’s having fun I don’t see the issue. I’m also wondering why you don’t approve of Bluey? My 4yo loves it and so do I

I think when I was 10 I was watching shows just like that. I think those are fine shows to watch. My little brother is 12 and watches bluey all the time. That show actually has a lot of real life plots I feel like!

My 10 year old step son watches bluey … not going to lie I also thought this was weird and on the younger developmental side. But hey , it beats YouTube!

I love watching Bluey😂

@Sierra yeah that too I probably watch bluey more than my own child 🥲

There’s a whole group on Facebook for adult fans of bluey.

My daughter who will be 12 watches bluey I don't see anything wrong with it.

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i will fully watch 2 or 3 episodes of bluey after my son has gone to bed, enjoying myself, not thinking to flip the channel.

Nothing wrong with bluey lol and no reason to make her grow up quicker than she needs to. People act like 10 year olds are teenagers and not still children

My teenager (when he was 10) was watching My Little Pony: Friendship is magic lol. He said it had a good story line 😂 Kids like what they like, that’s what’s so cool about them, they have their own personalities, they are their own person.

Heck, I'm about to turn 35 and I love watching Bluey 🤣💙 But seriously, this is such a trivial thing to worry about. Developmentally speaking, as long as she behaves like a typical preteen in the important aspects, what she watches for entertainment is nothing to worry about. Bluey (I know nothing about Oconauts) is such an adorable and wholesome show, I'd honestly love it if my girls still enjoyed it when they're 10 or even 17 due to the valuable lessons it teaches that a child under 10 might not be capable of comprehending. Why don't you like Bluey if you don't mind me asking?

I live in a household with a 15, 16 and 17 year old and they legit just put bluey on lol I would also watch dragon tales throughout high school. They’re sweet storylines with loveable characters. You don’t have to be a toddler to enjoy the show

Guard your children eyes. After what I seen in Nickelodeon. No more of that over here. More reading and family time ❤️⭐️

@Sandry Roman Bluey is a Disney show that's produced in Australia, it's not a Nickelodeon show. What's wrong with Nick shows? My 14 month old daughter isn't interested in anything besides Ms. Rachel, Hey Bear Sensory, and Woof Sensory videos so I haven't seen the latest shows on Nick.

@Breaha There’s a lot of horrible things surfacing about the bts of Nickelodeon. There’s a docuseries called Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of TV.

@Sierra I heard about that. But isn't that only related to shows that are produced by Dan Schneider?

@Sierra Anyway though, that doesn't reflect on all nickelodeon shows, especially the ones created for little children such as Blue's Clues, Little Bear, Dora the Explorer, etc.

@Breaha Yes, only pertaining to Dan Schneider. Little kid shows were not mentioned and isn’t reflected on all shows.

I watched PBS kids until I was 13-14

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