Telling colleagues

What makes people so entitled to know of your pregnancy? Currently 4 months pregnant and for obvious reasons kept it quiet from most people apart from close family during the first 12 weeks & as I felt more assured after this time, I told 2 people at work who I speak to daily. Anywho, the news got around to a few other people 🙄 and a colleague who I normally share no more than pleasantries with actually got offended because I didn’t tell them earlier! Not only that but also questioned why I’ve not announced to the whole office when it was “safe” to do so. The nerve of some people
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Haha, work places are such a funny thing. I’ve told one colleague and no one else, someone else in the office is pregnant that everyone knows about so I can imagine I’ll be hit with the “why didn’t you say” when I reveal all. I don’t plan to for another 4 weeks minimum x

I had to tell people at work early due to safety…. Realised it soon got about even though i said it was strictly confidential and I was waiting for my 12 week scan. Currently feeling really rubbish about it all and anxious because people have been talking about me and massively disregarded my wishes. It’s so hard

Sorry to hear that, it can be disheartening. My first pregnancy got round work when I was 8 weeks because someone caught me throwing up in the toilets. This time some staff have told the kids I teach when I didn’t want them to know yet (if my y.9 & y.10 class realise I won’t have them next year behaviour will go downhill.) Unfortunately some people are very entitled or just love a gossip

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