Sick baby

Hi moms my baby has a cough, a lot of mocus and watery eyes, what can I give him? He seem uncomfortable 😬
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The baby Vicks, and a humidifier helps wonders. I always massage and do gentle taps on my daughter’s back. Also make a call to his pediatrician for options. 🙂

For the mucus my pediatrician said we could do a saline rinse before meals and bed to help with the congestion and any upset stomach from the mucus drip.

Take a shower with your baby and let him breathe in the steam.

Sit him on your lap in the bathroom, run the shower on hot to let the room fill up with steam. I do it for 15 min. This was a suggestion made to us in the ER when my son had RSV. Supportive care. Or your son may have an ear infection so if he gets worse, take him to doc!

Thanks for your help ladies

My remedy is - Zarbees for cough “DO NOT” GET THE ONE WITH HONEY he isn’t old enough yet -Frida Snot Sucker (THE BEST) -Boogie Saline Inhaler (THE BEST) -Humidifier -Dead Sea Salt for babies salt for baths by Pink Stork or any baby Epsom salt -Baby Vicks vapor rub use throughout day( be sure baby stays warm so it works) - give oranges if your baby can eat solids or squeeze some of the oranges for juice in sippy cup just 1-2 ounces for vitamin c -Steam baths work I normally sit In the bathroom on a chair so she can inhale steam from shower **** Sounds like a lot but it works 3 days tops!!🫣😃 hope your baby gets better

I do all of basics that the drs have recommended for a baby. In a nutshell: saline + snot sucker, humidifier and a vapor rub. This is it broken down in more detail:

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