
Going on a big family vacation later this summer. We currently have a graco travel system, does anyone have experience using their graco stroller and airport security with a gate check? Is it too big should i invest in a smaller travel stroller?
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I recently went on a trip and I was planning to bring my mom push stroller but it was wayyy to big and heavy so I brought my graco carseat and stroller frame and it was perfect the only thing I didn't like was that my baby couldn't lay down flat

Bought a Doona for me. Very practical because it's a stroller that also work as a car seat so easier for us to move with taxis,...

I think I’m the only person on earth who doesn’t like the Doona. Sold our Doona and got the Nuna trvl instead and we love it. It’s not perfect, but pros outweighed the cons for us. We also liked the bugaboo butterfly.

I have the Nuna PIPA URBN travel. Highly recommend if your child still fits in the Pipa car seat. Just know there’s another post on here of a woman who travelled with the Graco and didn’t buy the Graco travel bag. She bought an off brand bag. And Graco wouldn’t uphold the warranty when the airport damaged her stroller. Worth mentioning

A snap and go is practical,not expensive and easy to travel with

I used my Graco travel system a couple times and gate checked it. I had no issues but they are not careful with your items. We got lucky everything was ok each time when we got them back.

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