Does your little one throw tantrums? WWYD?

I know it’s developmentally appropriate at 18mo, but I feel helpless as this seems very intense & multiple times each day. My boy is flailing, hitting (both on purpose & incidentally), slapping, pulling hair, kicking & screaming at triggers of “no” — pretty much everytime he isn’t getting what he wants. I try to have him take a deep breath, drink water, distract or distance myself but man oh man is it really difficult when he catches me off guard - it hurts. And I don’t know how to make him understand he’s hurting me. Spanking feels wrong - like telling him don’t hit & then teaching him to hit. But he’s not listening to reason obvi even after calming down, although I try to name the feeling & action & set a boundary & tell him what he CAN do when he wants/is feeling xyz… And letting him CIO/ignore doesn’t end the tantrum either. I’m feeling so overwhelmed. Also 13 weeks pregnant & ready to wean as I can’t take the pain & him throwing fits over wanting to pinch the side he isn’t nursing on anymore. It’s the worst. I love him so much & hate all of this!
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I don’t have any advice but commenting to say I am going through the same thing with my 18 m/o daughter. It’s rough, and I’m not sure how to “discipline” her either. I just try to divert her attention to something else like you mentioned. She loves these cheap sunglasses of mine from Amazon so I keep those handy as a distraction. 😅 I don’t know if she would understand traditional discipline at this age but am curious to know what others comment!

I'm going through the same, but I would say it happens the worst when she's hungry or sleepy - when those 2 basic needs aren't taken care of for whatever reason, her tantrums are the worst. But once the tantrum starts, I try to appease her in the moment by giving in if it is not harmful or disturbing others etc and then deal with the real issue at hand as soon as possible (sleep or hunger)

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