Separation anxiety

My son is 9 months old, used to take a bottle once a day but since like 6 months he refuses so now he is EBF. He has 8 teeth. And he still wakes up like multiple times a night and will NOT go back to sleep unless I nurse him. He wakes up screaming. He hasn’t slept through the night since he was 3 months. Not once! He doesn’t eat any food. We offer him food every evening and he seals his lips up. We’ve tried homemade purées with breast milk without breast milk, multiple brands of store purées, puffs and we even offer him smashed up table food, solid table food and more. He also is not crawling at all shows no interest. I feel like he is a little behind on a lot and I’m not sure if all of this is normal. I’m just tired and need a break soon😕
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Do you only try to purees at night? My boy hasn't ever slept through the night so I feel your pain with that. But by 9 months nutritionally speaking he should be eating food because of things our breast milk doesn't provide. I found that waiting a hour after my son nurses I can get him to eat purees. Not wanting to crawl I wouldn't worry about though so babies skip it and end up just walking 🩷 if you want to practice with him take a nice long sheet/blanket and put it under his belly and lift him up in the position for a few seconds and see if he tries moving around.

Have you talked to your doctor about all this? I wouldn’t say he’s behind quite yet, but hearing all of this makes me raise my eyebrows. My baby girl also suddenly started refusing bottles at 6months! It’s been such a pain but she does eat table food

My first born was not into food from the start. I learned the saying "food before 1 is just for fun" and that brought me some peace. Anything they eat now is for the sake of exploration. Trying new flavors, new textures. See what they like. However, the bulk of their nutrition before they turn 1 is still going to come from breastmilk or formula.

From what I understand and my research from within and outside the US, (for EBF only) biologically we are programmed to nurse at night as thats when our bodies are told to make milk and it’s offers the greatest development for baby both physically and mentally. MOST other countries actually recommend for EBF to NOT wean off the night feeds until 1 year! So its super normal to have bub not sleeping through the night yet!! At 9 months you can offer food now before breast milk now, so maybe give that a go! I ended up subscribing to little spoon to take the stress out because we were having the same issues and it just took all that food preparation stress away. I also bought ‘Subo baby self feeder’ which helped so much. Also, one more suggestion - try changing his diaper more at night!!! When babies are teething their urine is more acidic and it can feel a bit uncomfortable. So my bub wakes up crying too and wont settle and this is like an instant fix along with a long feed. I

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