Tarot help plzzz?

Plz help me read the cards I pulled to understand their meaning! I’m new new new! It’s my first draw at it but I really want to understand Tarot and hopefully make it part of my everyday life/spirituality. Thanks!
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Did you have something specific in mind when you were pulling cards or just pulled them for a general reading?

So I was shuffling for the first time and those four cards just kept popping out and separating themselves from the pile so I pulled them aside and flipped them over when I was done shuffling

I’m going through rough times in my ten year marriage lately and questioning a lot in terms of our relationship and how/if it can improve. But wasn’t thinking about anything specific while shuffling I don’t think, just thinking about how curious I was to see what happened. If that made sense?

@Emily personally what I get from it is not being content with a current situation and longing to go back to when things were either simpler.

@Emily when reading tarot go with your gut and the first thing that pops into your mind. Then go a little deeper. How does the card make you feel? Is there any symbolism that stands out to you? Does it remind you of anything? You’ll slowly learn to listen to your intuition and read the cards. I’ve been reading since I was 14 and personally use tarot for more introspective readings than predicting the future.

It’s basically saying you are staying with this person because of the good times. Either you or the other is going to be moving forward or should think about moving forward in the sense of going separate ways. Someone may be seeing someone else, or have an eye on somebody. I see separation in general.

The lovers card reversed does speak to the turmoil in your relationship and being unsure how to proceed. It is affecting your mental health, self-esteem, and/or confidence putting you in a dark mood and state of uncertainty (The Sun). A journey of self discovery is needed to figure out what you really want and need out of this relationship (3 of Wands). Also for this to work, if you find you want it to, it will take reciprocal energy to water your marriage garden (6 of Cups). Hope this helps. Tarot helps with introspection, self discovery, and awareness.

Believe it or not, I use Bing’s Copilot chat to provide the reading.

@Kathy I’ve told my husband many times over the last 6 months or so I just want to go back to when we could talk, we didn’t argue, like everything went to shit about 6 months ago and before that was like 2 years of bliss. Thank you!

@Melanie I think we both have considering moving on from this relationship because we aren’t happy right now even though we know we can be and that’s what frustrates me so much! He hasn’t said anything about anyone else but my hit is telling me he may be actively looking even though that’s totally out of character for him and I have no proof of such just my gut feelings.

@Alexia i love the way you explained this to me! Thank you! Super helpful!!

Yeah I see you looking back maybe on your relationship when you guys were happier and maybe you want to or are thinking about leaving to find happiness elsewhere

@Kenya that’s pretty much the sum of it

It’s time to move away from the past where you allowed things to happen for show and fear of ego that caused disharmony within yourself

@Tatiana thx girl. I’m not brave enough to walk away, and too stubborn to give up. I do it to myself and I hate it. Today is our 9th wedding anniversary and we haven’t spoken a nice word to eachother and hardly any at all for that matter. But my dumbass still ordered him a 60$ gift and lingerie which were both just delivered this afternoon and looking at them has me feeling dumb af. Trying to start a return on Amazon but the site keeps glitching! 😵😖😭😤🤬🤯😐

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