Waters breaking in Shower?

So I just showered and maybe a bit tmi and gross but I peed in the shower and then a few minutes later felt like a little sharp twinge in my vagina and looked like water was dropping but when I stood out the shower stream it stopped. I am right in assuming if my waters had actually broken it might still be trickling after the shower? I've put a pad on and it's dry and I've been sat down and when I stood up my pad is still dry. I'm right in just assuming then it's not my waters? Sorry for the grossness 🙈
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Not gross! But it doesn’t sound like your waters broke to me. It’s hard to know cause you were in the shower but even after a full break you still leak after for a bit! Keep an eye out for contractions just in case but I think you’re okay!

Personally it doesn’t sound like your waters breaking but keep an eye out for contractions! My waters went and I was trickling from half 10 the Monday morning Til I gave birth Tuesday @3-22 x

It doesn’t sound like they’ve broke but you could always ring the maternity unit and ask if they can do a swab to check x

Thanks everyone, it's been over an hour of my shower and my pad is still dry so I'm going to assume I'm in the clear. I had a growth scan this morning for reduced movements and baby is fine, waters looked good so I think I'm in the clear. I'll keep an eye out for any contractions though, thank you x

My water broke as I was getting ready for work. I thought I had an accident and told my SO that I had an accident and he said it was ok, but I kept leaking he immediately told me to call my manager cause he was going to take me to the hospital. If I hadn't listened to him I would have had her at work. My first contractions felt like regular cramps until I was fully dilated then they got stronger. It started at 11:30 in the morning, I got fully dilated at 5pm that same day, and she was born in 22 minutes. She's my first and I didn't get any medication or epidural, plus got a second degree tear, had to get stitched up and only took Tylenol twice after that.

I would call dr to mske sure because my mom water leaked out slowly witj me and i was 911 c-section because i had no more water and it was dangerous for me. So just to be safe i would call see if my dr wants to see me. Currently pregnant

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