
My lil one likes to throw himself to the ground and bang his head off the floor. How can I stop this. I usually pick him up but now that he’s getting bigger he likes to tense his body up which makes it harder to pick him up
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He will get out of that but try to teach coping skills

If it doesn't get him what he wants he'll stop. I know that's hard though.

It’s not going to stop, it’s part of his development, teach him how to handle his emotions but after the tantrum

Omg mine does this toooo! So it was CONSTANT and just ugh terrible for us (her parents) and her cause like wtf ouch?! Anyways I started picking her and saying things along the line of “you’re frustrated but I can’t let you hurt yourself” and then redirecting. I didn’t think it would work but over the last couple weeks it’s seriously like now only become maybe 1-2 times a week vs like every day every time she gets mad. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I forgot where I found this online, cause I was like feeling a little helpless about it- but essentially it’s stopping them, showing empathy, telling them why and then redirecting

I would try redirecting as early before full melt down. Like if it's because they want something but can't have it redirect to something they can have and try breathing through the big emotions. Something with my daughter we have always tried to do is practice breathing through frustration and using words more recent. And when tantrums are being had we tend to ignore the explosion and do our best to just redirect to positive things. But she doesn't throw herself to the floor she just throws stuff if she has it in her reach. So idk what to do about that part of it other than try redirecting before it gets there if possible

@Allie everything you are saying is very much correct I had to learn that with my 9-year-old boy so now that I have a 1 year old boy it's a lot easier to catch it

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