Self settling. Myth or truth?

Does anyone breastfeed to sleep and their baby sleeps through the night or long stretches in the night?
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I feed to sleep and it's changeable as to whether I get long stretches. Normally at least 3 hours. He's done a few 12-7 recently.

I breastfeed to sleep and generally get 1/no wakes. I hear her stir and make noise in the night and she settles herself back off. She's been a bit iffy this week as we have been away and I think her molars are hurting so been getting 2 wakes. Sometimes she will be Rocked back off (generally first wake if there's 2, otherwise I'll feed back to sleep, if it's after midnight ish)

I breast feed but lo has a bottle of formula with dad before bed and falls asleep on bottle and her sleep is horrific

I do and just this week he’s been sleeping from about 8pm-4am and then again until 6 or 7. So I’m considering it sleeping through the night! He never did before though, this is very new and I’m scared he’ll have a sleep regression soon and stop doing it 🙈

My lo is ebf and generally sleeps from around 8 pm to 4am, wakes for a feed, then sleep till around 6/7am. Some nights, he wakes up more frequently, and I feed him back to sleep or put his dummy in. Think he's been sleeping like this for around 2 months

I exclusively breastfed until she stopped at 9 months due to a chest infection, and almost always breastfed to sleep. She slept through 6 hour stints from a few weeks old and slept through the night from 8 weeks old intermittently. She's been bottle fed the last 2 months and has a cracking appetite on her but now wakes once in the middle of the night for about an hour and we have to settle her as she won't fall asleep on the bottle...

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