Toddler bed

Has anyone transitioned from crib to toddler bed? My son is starting to try to climb out of his crib but I’m scared he’s going to go play or get into something dangerous rather than come to me. Any advice?
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Today we made the crib into a toddler bed. We fastened all furniture to the wall, put a lock on the closet, made sure every outlet had a cover, nothing near the window to climb on, and removed pretty much everything else. We did some pretend play on what to do if she wakes up (not sure how much she understood, but repetition is good). Good luck!

Im kind of in the same boat as you 😩 i just found out im pregnant with my second. My daughter has been sleeping with us for a year now and im afraid the transition will be too much for her and she won’t stay in her room. But any advice i have would be the same as the last comment. Screw everything in the wall lock closet and drawers. Any toys you think are dangerous keep in the living room at night. close the door and have a baby camera so you can hear/see when your baby wakes up. If your baby calls you mama or mom it’s easier for him to yell for you when he wakes up so you can go get him. Which is everything I set up but my daughter is still in my room lol I just can’t do it but i will soon.

We switched to a floor bed for my switched a few months ago in preparation for their brother to be born and because they were crawling out left and right. They turned 2 and their brother was born earlier this month. We took out/locked up all toys and put child locks on the door knobs. They chose to sleep on the floor the first few nights but then they started getting the hang of it and using the bed lol

With my oldest he was trying to climb out too but I knew he wasn’t ready for a big boy bed. We ended up putting the mattress completely on the floor in his crib and that kept him contained! 😂

I have my son In toddler bed no issues you might be surprised he comes straight to me to say good morning. As long as you have it cleaned up at night I agree with @Morgan just child lock the doors

My son has been in his toddler bed since 18mo. As long as the room has been toddler-proofed, then it's a safe place to sleep. A baby monitor is very helpful. My son had a few days where he could climb down but not back up by himself but overall he does well. We also kept his library and toys accessible to him. He may wake up and grab something but he will typically fall asleep with the toy/book after a few minutes.

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