We have forward movement!

He just decided to crawl today! He has done a lot of holding himself in a downward dog position for about a month and tons of rocking on all fours. It's time to batten down the hatches and babyproof the house. 7 and a half months old. So proud of him!
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Mine decide to crawled today as well !

Yay! What a milestone!

Mines standing and taking step while holding

My 7 month old has no interest in crawling 😔😔 he rather roll himself to get where he wants to go...

We can "crawl" backwards 😂 its more of a scoot but still movement lol

This is why I’ve been looking into a rug she can grab onto for leverage , I feel like it really encourages the crawling!

Yay! Mine started army crawling on Friday! 😍

@Brooke actually I find with our rugs it discourages the crawling because he ends up just pulling the whole thing up and getting tangled. So I moved ours out of the way when he was getting closer to crawling. The first video looks like wall-to-wall carpet which would be secured down. But a rug is too movable… if that makes sense.

My girl has been crawling a week or 2 now and she’s getting faster every single day! 😳😳

The downward dog for us just turned into a crawl to sit a couple of days ago! So exciting 🥰

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