Mom Guilt

I wanted to breastfeed my baby but my nipples got really sore and broke open and scabbed so i switched to pumping so he at least still got breast milk. However it’s hard to have the time to pump so my supply has lessened and he gets maybe a bottle a day of breast milk if that. Im trying to pump more but im scared my supply wont come back. I want to be able to go back to breastfeeding since i’ve healed i just dont have enough supply to do it🥲
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Best way to get your supply is to get baby latched on as much as possible or do some power pumping, pump for 20, stop for 10, pump for 10, stop for 10, pump for 10 xx

If you put baby to breast your supply will become more:) just put baby to breast lots

Hey, you can definitely go back to breastfeeding! Your supply will increase just like it does when baby grows and needs more. It’s supply and demand the more you do it the more you produce. I would recommend if you can spending a day doing lots of skin to skin contact. It promotes milk production and getting some lansinol nipple cream and applying it after each feed. It really helped me in the early days. My nipples got sore at first but I pushed through and it went away after a few days when I learnt to latch baby properly. It only hurts nipples if baby isn’t latched correctly it’s not meant to hurt at all. I’m lucky I’m from the uk so we get free breastfeeding support but see if there’s anyone out there that can help you because honestly being shown how to do it properly saved my breastfeeding journey! And it’s so easy I’ve never pumped just pop her on the boob feeds for 5 min now she’s older and then we done! You got this mumma be kind to yourself stress and guilt affect milk

I stopped too and felt they guilt but it's way better for her. Don't let anyone judge mama!

I’m the exact same way. Also I never latched cause it made me uncomfortable and she didn’t want to at first and now she’s 5weeks and I wish I would’ve because I try to latch and she acts like she wants to but since she’s been using bottles the whole time it confuses her and she doesn’t know how to get it 😢

Lactation consultants can be so helpful and a lot are now covered by insurance. One helped me so much.

@Emma Okay I will try this🙏

I pumped 8 times a day for 4 days which helped with my supply. It might be worth talking to a lactation consultant to make sure baby is latching correctly and doesn’t have a tongue tie, as not latching correctly can cause pain for you. You shouldn’t be in pain when BF; maybe the first few minutes but not throughout. You could also use nipple shields but this is a temporary solution to avoid baby getting too used to it, as her technique to latch will be different on a shield compared to without. @Andreena if you want to BF, I would talk to a lactation consultant too. It is more hardwork for babies to breastfeed compared to the bottle due to the actions they need to do but it may be with help your baby will get there, it’ll just take a bit longer. Like you said at first she didn’t want to latch and now she seems to want to; well maybe she’ll be the same with the technique: not sure how at first but then will get it (with a bit of help). ❤️

Power pump. Atleast once a day! Increase water intake, they also make lactation cookies you can try they helped me slightly. Oatmeal also helps with supply! And coconut water! Also don’t forget fed is best! Even just one breast milk bottle a day is great! Ik it’s easier said then done but try not to stress as well, that can cause supply to drop!

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