Could my husband be cheating??

I fell asleep early since 8pm it’s 11pm right now. I was facing our door while sleeping but ofc I changed sides to hug my husband and right away he switches off from “Snapchat” to his clash royale…. I told him what were you doing? He’s like playing a game I’m like no before that I seen you were on something and right away switched to your game and he’s like oh Snapchat I’m like really? Let me see and I grab his phone and he started to say omg dude you’re always accusing me of something. I wasn’t doing anything and I’m like yea I’m just making sure whatever he was on he closed the app I was trynna see what it was but didn’t find anything. I have a gut feeling but idk I didn’t find shit. He was all trynna cuddle after he was grabbing me and didn’t even feel turned on just didn’t feel right so I pushed myself away a little and he got even more upset and he faced the wall and I’m like why are you upset and he said cause I pushed him away and I told him why and again he gets upset lol.oof then he suddenly goes to sleep lol also he has no Facebook or Instagram or even Twitter the only social media I know he has downloaded is Snapchat so I’m just so confused lol. Before he would switch apps bc he was staring at girl pics on Instagram and doing who knows what else but snap?? I SAW NOTHING
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That's the thing with Snapchat it instantly deletes messages which is why I hate it I hope he's not doing anything for your sake but that would make me mad for sure I would have done the same thing as you probably worse 😂 But they always say Snapchat is the cheaters paradise because it doesn't save conversations

@Paige girl I tried to see if he maybe was talking to someone lbut nope only chats with his guy friends or even brothers. I couldn’t even go back to sleep I’m like bro nah should I grab his phone again?? Idk😩he has no girls added so I’m like dude idk like wth could he be doing

Yall I legit digged deep into his phone and found NOTHING. It’s stupid clean 😣could I just be overthinking from the crap he’s done in the past and I’m afraid he’s gonna do it again?? Idk idk cause I feel weird I’ve told him how I have felt about it switching from apps to another as I turn and he still does it

I'm glad you found nothing 🙏🏻🙏🏻 it's definitely hard especially when they have broken trust before I'm the sameeee way with my boyfriend and it will eat me alive for days 😭 It definitely sucks and I know exactly how you feel my boyfriend won't even give me his password to his phone but claims he doesn't do anything im like you have ALLLLL my passwords like o everything and I don't know one of his and it's been 13 years 😒 idk how we get past it it's soooo hard but I hope you are just over thinking it and he is being faithful Maybe have that conversation with him again and let him know how you fell again about it because it will drive you crazy if not

You’re not overthinking. I think you found nothing because he wanted you to find nothing. You can hide chats on Snapchat, he can have a whole different Snapchat. He sounds suspicious!!

Letting the past control your present is no way of living. You can’t continue to punish someone you already forgave. I think you are letting your suspicions get the best of you. If you found nothing saw nothing let that be and enjoy your marriage. Life is too short.

Don’t stress yourself out trying to find information just to prove you’re right. If he is doing something behind your back, the truth will come out eventually. But if he isn’t doing anything at all, then those accusations might hurt your relationship. I used to feel the same way about my husbands Snapchat but that’s where he talks to all his old marines. It’s what they use to stay in contact. I realized that I was just stressing myself out by overthinking. I just prayed about it lol because if there was something going on God would definitely show me, lolol.

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