Food and milk

Baby is now 9 months old , he is mainly on 3 meals a day .. should I be introducing snacks now and if so do I need to drop any milk feeds. Hes still on about 4/5 in 24 hours. Also now that baby is 9 months .. any other food ideas and recipes would be great . My mind is going blank how what to do now and how and what to give 🙈🙈
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Snacks aren’t typically introduced until 1 years old. My girls 9.5 months and we do 3 meals and 3 bottles x

@Nicole should I be cutting down milk 🙈? I never know if my portion size is ok ? And my baby has about 6 ounces every feed x

I would just go with what your baby wants/needs. My girl cut herself down to 3 bottles when she started to eat more. She has anything from 6-8oz a bottle xx

You don't need snacks until after 1. Carry on giving baby milk until they drop their own feeds. My son was on 4 bottles of 8-9oz and then dropped to 3 at around 10 months. We started 3 meals at 9 months. Once they start eating a little more they'll drop it on their own.

@Ayesha do you know what good portion size is ? I don’t know if I’m giving too less .. baby could probably eat more but I then get conscious of over feeding ? Xx

With portion sizes every baby is different. You'll need to play it by ear. If they finish, put a little more on their plate. Baby's are really good with knowing when they're done. I wouldn't worry about over feeding at all especially if they're feeding themselves. Overfeeding is more of an issue when you spoon feed or hand feed baby yourself. They'll stop eating, moving their plate away or start playing with their food and you'll know they're done. Use that as your base for next time and adjust if needed. Sometimes you'll find they'll eat more, sometimes they'll eat less.

@Ayesha aw I see thank you ☺️

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